US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Show me exactly where I stated rape was a big laugh.

Ahh they “found” the accused not guilty which in turn infers they believed the complainant to be a liar.

It’s pretty simple

They were acquitted

You’re still running with the racist narrative

It is a gray area as they were convicted of assaults that took place that they admitted.

They were wrongly convicted of rape, which almost unbelievably you want more of.

Your attitude to the subject shows it

Proved by your deliberate and mendacious take on what the criminal justice system is

It does nothing of the sort

And you wonder why you get called a misogynist

It’s because you are one, and a serious one

So you can’t give an exact quote of me saying anything of the sort? So you were making up stories in your head again then. Glad we cleared that one up.

You’re utterly gutless

Exhibiting two different kinds of cowardice is some feat, but well done, you’ve managed it

Il leave @anon7035031 to pick at your carcass, i’m done with you for now.

Are you arguing the justice system always gets it right? Obviously it doesn’t as sometimes innocent people get locked up and sometimes the guilty go free.

The justice system in this case got it wrong twice, they wrongly convicted of the far more serious crime of a very violent rape, and acquitted of a less serious crime they admitted to. On balance they had served far more time than they should have and were properly compensated for that.

Fundamentally your belief system is that all white men are guilty (of something, anything) and all non-white people are innocent, regardless of the circumstances. It’s self loathing, you should talk to a professional about it.

It’s not a grey area at all

The charges do not exist

I don’t want anybody innocent convicted

You want actual rapists to get off and I’m not referring to Belfast

You also have a proven record of defending paedophile protectors like Milo Yiannopoulos

I’ll leave it at that, your free education time has expired.

My word, if you ever developed an ability to debate with non-straw men, you’d be dangerous

But that’s never happened up to now and shows no sign of ever happening

You haven’t the first idea of what the word education means

Your conduct here has been embarrassing

It beggars belief that there are people like yourself still out there with such backward views

You’re stretching now. The only person who has defended pedophiles on here is yourself, you supported a minimum sentence for Tom Humphries, no doubt because he is a journalist.

Milo to my knowledge has never been accused of a crime, much less child rape. He defended gay men having sex with teenage boys, which is indefensible.

Can you condemn Tom Humphries, and state clearly how long he should have been locked up for? Given that he actually committed a crime and admitted it, unlike people you “believe” committed crimes.

That’s an outright lie and it is telling that you are reduced to such

Tom Humphries didn’t get a minimum sentence, he got a mid range sentence which was appropriate for the nature of crime

You defended Yiannopoulos outright

Whereas I never defended Humphries one iota

He committed gross violations of trust against a minor and deserves to be locked up

So a year and a half is the appropriate sentence for grooming a child and committing statutory rape? I would disagree.

Suggesting it is OK for adult men to have sex with teenage boys is indefensible, and nowhere have I defended it by Milo or others. The only are I would support Milo and anyone is their right to give their opinions on politics, whether you or I agree with them or not.

He got 2.5 years

You don’t even know your facts on the case you’re trying to argue about

There was extensive analysis of the judge’s reasoning and the sentence was appropriate

Unless you also want to lie and call “Joe Brolly” a “paedophile defender” too (and I don’t mean in the barrister sense)

You defended Yiannopulos outright

According to you had been blackguarded

Helps when people align with your political views doesn’t it

I don’t think the sentence was appropriate, nor do most normal people. Grooming a child and engaging in sex with them is a despicable crime and deserves a lengthy sentence.

If Paddy Jackson had been convicted he would likely have been sentenced to ten years at least, and you would have found that appropriate. In a case where the worst he did was not confirm that consent was established at all times during sex with another adult, who was at least consenting up to some point.

A child by definition cannot give consent. As i said you have no moral compass. You should be ashamed at yourself.

Just to summarize the past few hours of strenuous debate.

@Sidney believes that all men who are accused of rape are guilty, as long as they are white men.

He simultaneously believes that all men who admit to and are convicted of crimes are innocent, as long as they are black men.

The exception is white male journalists, who after being convicted of child rape should be treated with compassion and empathy.

Got it.

Sure, mate. :grin:

Have a think about what you just posted sid.

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