US Politics - A Society in Meltdown


Maybe you might have some comment on the photo instead of attempting a pithy remark

Please can that be removed. It’s very disturbing

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Yes it is very disturbing

That’s sort of the point

It’s a demonstration of what happens when a sick regime others people

Pithy my hole.
It’s fucking horrendous. I’ve two young kids. The photo fills me with horror, dread, shame and disgust. Your post has no reference to anything in the photo or its disturbing nature. Just a palpable glee that there’s something else you can use in your battle against trump. Whatever the fuck that is.


This is a niche sporting forum.

I popped in here expecting to see more of the same tit for tat.

Fuck me, that’s beyond the pale fella.

I’m genuinely upset kid. I doubt I’ll sleep tonight. I’ve a kid. That’s fucking horrific.

Absolutely no need. Please remove it

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What do you need described to you

They were a father and daughter trying to cross the Rio Grande

The father got the daughter across and went back to get the rest of his family across

The daughter went back into the river after him and they both drowned

And Trump is the cause of tragedies like this

Tragedies like this are his aim

This is exactly what he wants and so do most of his supporters who will find any excuse to blame the victims

Yet you apparently think he should get a pass and are more interested in scoring points off the messenger

Real moral degeneracy is excusing the scumbag that deliberately creates the conditions where this type of thing will inevitably happen

Real moral degeneracy is adopting his language and framing when faced with something which makes you uncomfortable

Real moral degeneracy is when your first reaction to it is to try and score internet points

Despots can legitimise anything when the above happens, and boy has it happened on a mass scale in America

It’s the exact same process that happened in Europe in the 1930s

Sidney. Fuck off now. Please.

Remove the photograph. Please.

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It’s interesting that Sidney has much to say on Trump’s immigration policy but very little to contribute to the Direct Provision thread and the 50+ people who have died in the DP system over the past few years. Sidney is fairly typical of a certain type of Irish liberal hypocrite, destroyed by the internet, who needs to invent an “other” of his own. Obviously I’m strongly liberal and pro-Internet myself.

Anyway, you can care about the Anna Kriegel murder without wanting to see pictures of what happened and I’ve flagged that post.

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Why do you think photos of Ana Kriegel’s dead body or victims of car crashes aren’t circulated in the media yet pictures like this and Aylan Kurdi are, mate

Hazard a guess there like a good man

It’s because they have an explicit political point - it’s because tragedies like this are caused by terrible politics

Another free speech warrior exposed as the hypocrite he is

Go and shit in a hat

I thought you had some redeeming qualities.

Unfortunately you are an interminable dickhead.

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Admins have suspended and banned lads for far less, posting snuff to support your own political agenda. Despicable.

What is your problem with a photo that shows the brutal reality of the world

It’s because you’d rather bury your head in the sand and pretend it wasn’t happening, it’s easier

Why do you think the photo of Aylan Kurdi, the toddler washed up on a beach in Greece in 2015 was so widely circulated as well

Did you object to that being published in the media

Like fuck you did

I quit Facebook because of such images.

I don’t need that pushed in my face. I know the world is fucking rotten Sidney. I don’t need to see it in high definition on a sports forum.

You’re a dickhead. You can’t see what you’ve posted is wrong on so many levels.

Fuck off. I’m done with you now. I’ve never ignored anyone on here but you’re going on

Did you object when lads here posted up live action video shots of the Charlie Hedo and Nice massacres

Like fuck you did

And gobshites like you used that to push your own depraved right-wing political agenda

Thick cunts like you salivate over every massacre perpetrated by ISIS because you’re an irredeemably racist, reactionary cunt

Go to bed you absolute sociopath.

Every post of yours is a projection of your own poisonousness, isn’t it

I live a healthy normal life, you are an obsessive loner with a depraved ultra political mindset, you are sick in the head.

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And again

You are a depraved individual, of the sort whose views directly lead to tragedies like the one in the picture

There is nothing remotely healthy about you

Take a look at yourself in the mirror

What stares back won’t be pleasant

You dismissively told me to go to bed

Well at least I can sleep soundly, fuck knows how you sleep