US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I wonder did @anon78624367 manage to get any sleep.


You’re gaslighting me sid.

You were up early again. I wonder will you be going back to the leaba after a hard morning scouring here looking to sledge someone?

Thanks for the concern as always.

What the fuck have you ever done for homeless people? Fucking post on TFK? What have you ever done for immigrants into Ireland? You don’t even bother posting on TFK about them.

you call me out for saying i’ll struggle to get to sleep after seeing horrific pictures but you give @Juhniallio a free pass who said the photo fills him horror, dread, shame and disgust.

I’d rather be a screaming mary than whatever the fuck you are.


No wonder you’ve to go back to bed in the afternoons with such lofty life goals.
What a fucking goon you are.


Calm down @anon78624367. Real life is the bits that don’t happen on the internet.

isnt it now accepted that smollett hung himself?

you don’t get to condescend to me pal.

people are calling each other racists, fascists, Stalinists and sociopaths, I ask for a picture of a dead child to be removed and you’re telling me to calm down.

With all due respect, you can go fuck yourself

Aah esteban. Don’t be like that. Thats exactly what Trump wants…

Fuck Tipp


Log off for a few days, pal. You’ll come back refreshed next week.



Jesus christ, alabama

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This is the Democrats’ fault - after all Alabama has the same last four letters as Obama

Why do people spend so much time fretting about what happens in America? It’s an absolute shithole filled with some of the stupidest people who ever lived.


its the greatest country in the World

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Explain all the talk about Munster hurling here so

I was reading about that poor lad who drowned in the Rio Grande. He had a minimum wage job in a pizzeria on El Salvador, the wife was a cashier in a fast food restaurant. These are the sort of people who dream of moving to America now.