US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

The first of two Democratic debates was held last night. What an absolute shitfest, Beto the clown and a bunch of lads drafted in to make up the numbers. No less than three tried to outdo each other on who could speak Spanish best. Elizabeth Warren outed as having zero charisma. The only ones who came across with any credibility were the unfortunately named Castro and Tulsi Gabbard.

Hopefully tonight will be better, Biden, Sanders and Kamala.

What democracy

Are these the pictures in the Rorschach test your psychiatrist gave you?


more likely bloodstains on tampons that hes fished out of the bins in womens jacks


You do realize (you don’t) that the case before the Supreme court was brought by Democrats appealing against a federal court decision to throw out their gerrymandered map in Maryland. Maryland is 2:1 Democrat to Republic in terms of voters, and already had a 6:2 ratio in the House of Representatives. The redrawn map would have ensured 7 Democrats to 1 Republican. I’m sure that sounds fair to you.

Are you arguing that gerrymandering is OK as long as the side you support are doing it?

Deary me

Arguing for gerrymandering now

What would Kamala say

Oh wait, does she know that she has a somebody claiming to campaign for her who just seems to disagree with her on pretty much everything? :smile:


He didn’t watch the debate and cogged a coment off somebody on

But he fancies Tulsi Gabbard so thinks she was good

That’s literally this guy’s understanding

Except Democrats are the ones arguing for gerrymandering in this case as they are the ones that brought the case to the Supreme court. The Supreme court decision favors Democrats as it ruled the issue should be dealt with at state level, not federal level. If Democrats got their act together at state level they should dominate the House of Representatives, as there are more blue states in terms of voters than red states.

Kamala, like all Democratic nominees, is playing to the gallery. The president has no role in this, it’s either the congress or the judiciary that ultimately decides.

I watched the entire debate.
Beto was appalling, completely out of his depth.
Castro was the best of the bunch, Gabbard is a strong credible candidate.
Warren started well but faded badly. Eliminating private insurance is a losing proposition, how do you think it would go down in Ireland if someone proposed getting rid of VHI?
The rest should pack it in now.

You’re an awful eejit

All five right-wingers sided with gerrymandering

The others were all against

It’s amazing how even in a cut and dried case of right and wrong, you end up arguing for the wrong side

Of course Democrats benefit from gerrymandering in a minority of states

Republicans benefit from it in a much larger number of states

Gerrymandering is anti-democratic, full stop

But we can now add it to the long list of deplorable things you’re in favour of

Do you work or canvass for Kamala Harris’s campaign, as you claim?

If that is so, why does every post you make sound like it could be written by some tomato-faced head the ball straight out of Mississipi Burning? :grin:

I look forward to Kamala putting forward her plans for a $15 minimum wage tonight

That’ll really piss you off won’t it

The Supreme court didn’t side with gerrymandering, they ruled it was a political decision that should be sorted at state level. They ruled in favor of Democrats who were fighting against a federal court decision stopping them redrawing maps in Maryland.

You truly are clueless.

Do you agree with Elizabeth Warren that private insurance should be abolished? She’s out on a limb on this one and it is an issue that is likely to torpedo her.

Don’t worry about Kamala, she will dominate the debate tonight against the two old white men.

Breitbart love Gabbard, of course you like her

Your entire view of women candidates is largely coloured by whether they give you a boner or not

She’s a very attractive woman, I’ll give her that

Politically, she’s not so good, unless you want a stooge of Assad - America already has a stooge of Putin so I think it can do just a bit better

My word, you’re now calling the candidate you claim to support “clueless”

Why do you have to make it so easy for me to ridicule you

No mate, I called you clueless. Kamala is playing to the gallery, literally nobody has a clue what the supreme court decision means so it’s easy to spin.

You truly don’t understand politics.

Answer the Warren question.

No, mate, you’re calling Kamala Harris clueless

She has the same view as myself

Only you could claim to support a candidate and then turn around and call them clueless

Dunning-Krueger guy strikes again :smiley:

Your ability to tie yourself in knots is unrivalled on this forum

From this day forward, let the record show that @anon7035031 is in favour of gerrymandering

You’d fit in wonderfully well in the DUP, mate, although I think even they aren’t arguing for gerrymandering anymore

Megalolz :grinning:

I am not in favor of gerrymandering.
The issue is how to prevent it, as it is hard to prevent when both parties are doing it.
The current situation where states rule on it, which the Supreme court sided with, favors Democrats.

It’s pretty obvious you’re in favour of gerrymandering

I gave a link to a disgraceful decision which allows gerrymandering and you immediately flew into a rage defending it

Nobody who isn’t pro-gerrymandering does that

The current rules obviously don’t favour Democrats, they favour Republicans as Republicans control a majority of state legislatures, governorships and other positions which influence districting nationwide

That’s like trying to claim that the electoral college favours Democrats when that’s obviously utter nonsense too as Republicans have won the electoral college despite losing the popular vote in two of the last five elections

Republican shills like you will attempt to come up with any old shite to defend the indefensible

Your problem here is you’re pompous and so up your own fucking hole that you’re utterly desperate to try and score some consolation points off me, so you end up concocting utterly ridiculous arguments that aren’t remotely connected to reality

You’re like Meath desperately fumbling to try and get a score late on against the Dubs on Sunday

And it is pitiful

The Supreme court voted in favor of Democrats who have redrawn electoral maps in Maryland to ensure a 7:1 majority in the House of Representatives. You still haven’t grasped this after its been explained to you now five (5) times.

The reason Republicans are successful at the state level is because they are better organized and get their vote out. Democrats at times are a rabble as the party is infested by a lot of clueless lefties like yourself.

Anyway this is boring. What do you think of Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to eliminate private health insurance?