US Politics - A Society in Meltdown



You’ve made enough of a fool of yourself here over the last hour, I’ll leave you and your pathetic little mini-mes to it, keep digging, you utter clown :grin:

Before I go I’ll just leave this here

Lads who try to argue against objective reality get fierce angry for some reason

Poor labane sounded like he was literally about to rip the head off somebody there, or perhaps his own

Clueless indeed

Before you go, what do you think of Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to eliminate private health insurance?

Do you think it’s a winning strategy?

Nobody cares mate, nobody apart from yourself even mentioned it, knock yourself out answering your own question :grin:

I note you you get fierce touchy and try to change the subject when it’s pointed out how you disagree with so many of Kamala Harris’s policy positions despite claiming to support her :grin:

Oh but they do, it’s the most talked about moment from last night’s debate. Health Care is the #1 issue for 2020, 70% of Americans like their health insurance, it’s a daft proposal to suggest eliminating private health insurance.

Liz has shot her other foot off on this one, almost up there with her claiming to be a Cherokee on her Harvard application. This one won’t be forgotten or forgiven though.

You’ve backed the loser again, so predictable :clap::clap:

Spot the Cherokee…



Come on now, it’s obvious.

I don’t know how you do it lads, I honestly don’t.

It’s a grand evening here, I might ramble to the village on foot to smell the new mown grass and possibly have a chance encounter with a fellow rustic.
We’ll probably criticise the quality of someone’s meadows, discuss our chances of staying Senior and other trivial matters but we’re unperturbed by foreign matters.

Take a break lads and smell the fresh air. 'Twill do ye good.



You got it!

A young Elizabeth Warren.

Good post.

Wow, @anon7035031, furious after making a fool of himself yet again (I know, I know), tries to recover the damage by going all in with the racist angle.

He’s nothing if not transparent, I’ll give him that.

Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders side by side saying they would drop their private health insurance under Medicare for all

This is consistent with Kamala Harris’s previous pledge to end private health insurance, and no doubt influenced by Elizabeth Warren last night

Kamala Harris exposing the utter sham of the US health system and US health insurance where parents may have to pay 5k if their child is carted off to hospital in an ambulance

Bernie very strong on the same issue

Swalwell has made a bit of an impression so far

This voice of this Bennet chap from Colloraydo reminds me of the voice of the chap in Father Ted who talked about boilers

Kamala knocking it out of the park, @labane1917 vindicated once again.


Kamala Harris calls for open borders

Oh fuck

Boiler man up again

Somebody take the clothespeg off his nose