US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Lovely heartfelt yet meaningless answer there from Bootyjeej

Sums him up perfectly

Kamala the only one with the balls to take on Biden.

This Bennet chap from Colloraydo is the actual voice of Mr. Mackey from South Park mmmkay

He’s getting some amount of speaking time

Harris calling out Trump as a Putin stooge

This Hicken fella is a looper

Another Colloraydo man

This debate is going to pot when he talks

On climate, Swalwell calls on the old boys to pass the torch

But will the torch be fossil fueled

I’m calling this now - the real battle for the nomination will be between Warren and Harris

Biden is going to fall away because he’s fucking hopeless and a foot in mouth merchant

Buttigieg is empty

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This Chuck Todd fella is some dope

He keeps cutting across yer one on the near side (who’s purty enough for a 66 year old) like Joe Brolly used to cut across Ciaran Whelan


Yes, and the risk they run is trying to outdo each other on progressive policies. I’m genuinely surprised Kamala has followed Warren on some issues, but she obviously feels she has to to win the nomination.

“I’m going to harness love, and love will win”, says Marianne Williamson

Here’s Marianne when she was younger


One for the Auld Birds thread now


Yang making his 45 second opening statement after two hours of the debate

Kamala Harris says she has a 3am agenda - that doesn’t tally with her hatred of pot smokers

I missed it live but Harris trashed Biden on bussing - Biden is going to be gone from this race by Christmas

Progressive policies will win the election not withstanding the wide range of anti-democratic measures Trump will employ to rig the election

You have to get your base out to win

Bold candidates with boold policies win, “safe” candidates lose - Biden was thought of as the “safe” choice but he’s anything but, he’s a liability

Biden will depress the base and is a much, much worse version of Hillary Clinton

Bernie is looking very old and that’s his main stumbling block

Castro won’t win but might make a mark

Progressive policies have to be popular not just with your base but also with enough Independents. Look there’s no surprise that candidates are outdoing each other on policies at this stage of the process, the risk is not being able to walk them back in a coherent fashion before the national election.

Running on an open borders and eliminating private insurance platform would hand the election to Trump. Border security is a huge issue for the majority of Americans, what they want to see is genuine asylum seekers who are fleeing violence being processed quickly and in a humanitarian fashion. That doesn’t mean opening borders to all economic migrants.

180 million Americans have private health insurance, they are not at this point going to trust their government to replace it. Expanding Medicaid is the way to go, and ultimately what will happen, so why give Trump an easy win on an ideological position that isn’t achievable and turns off voters.

Biden is far more popular in the swing states and rust belt than Clinton, he would have won in 2016.

Fair fucking tragic lads. Gas cunts.

Kamala Harris is calling to end private health insurance

Mr. Mackey from South Park or perhaps Hickthelooper sounds like the kind of candidate you want


Russian bots outdoing themselves last night I see

Sartre said that hell was other people. I’d go one step further say that hell is yourself.