US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

You’re slightly misinterpreting what he was trying to say in Huis Clos I suspect, but it works in this instance.

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Where’s Huis Clos?

Entry only.

Is that an in joke?

Its an existentialist thing.

I think this is an example of where you shouldn’t take Trump literally

But calling to “get rid” of journalists is definitely an example of where he should be taken literally

“Anti-war candidate”

Somebody called her “the hipster Rohrabacher”, ah lovely

Please keep your degenerate hands off my candidate. You were writing Kamala off a few weeks ago, now you want to jump on the bandwagon. You are right on one thing, it will come down to two female candidates and Kamala will win as she has charisma in abundance compared to Warren.

Democrats have a huge issue though with this lurch to the left by all candidates to try and win the nomination. It’s early days though and as always the successful candidate can walk back somewhat. If they run on a platform of open borders, eliminating private insurance (even “socialist” Europe hasn’t done that), anti-business rhetoric (Amazon paying starvation wages), etc. they will lose not just the presidency but also the House. Moderate Democrats in conservative states are seriously worried about the platform and the impact it will have on them.

You’re angry again I see, about what I’m not sure, probably it’s because Harris did well in the debate by doing all the things you said she shouldn’t do

I’m not sure how you can even claim to support her given you have pretty much nothing in common with her policy platform, much of which is cogged from Warren

Warren has lots of charisma, she talks with passion and with a genuine empathy for people

The candidates who are doing what you say you want are all no hopers apart from Biden who is fading fast

I find that very interesting

Why would I be angry? My candidate had a stunning night and proved a lot of people wrong who had written her off.

You don’t know how this works do you? The goal at this point is to win the nomination. Kamala clearly sees Warren as her primary competitor, and yes I agree wants no policy differences at least at this point.

No Democratic candidate will win running on an open borders and eliminate private insurance platform, these will be dropped like hot potatoes after the nomination is secured. That’s simply the way these things work, start with a progressive agenda to secure the nomination then move towards the center.

So the valid questions are, who can move to the center while retaining the support of progressives, who can take on and defeat Trump in the debates, and who has the charisma and vision to appeal to enough Independents, especially in swing states. Kamala ticks all those boxes, Warren not so much.

Trump would have few fears of debating Warren, he is absolutely shitting himself at facing Harris as she would eviscerate him, just like she ripped Biden a new one last night.

Apparently bigging up a candidate whose policies you disagree with merely because she gives you a boner is how it works

At least if you’re anything to go by

Some time ago you were saying policy is key in this election, now you’re saying policy is irrelevant

Flip flop, a bit like Kamala herself actually on quite a few things

I expect her courting of the corporate buck and her record of locking up young black men to become an issue in future debates and she’d want to be well prepared for that

Warren is in pole position for me and has both the highest favourability rating and the lowest unfavourability rating among Democrats

She hasn’t yet got a face to face crack at Biden or the other main contenders because of the draw

But she’s at 19% in the latest poll - she’s steadily building support in a very old fashioned and organic way

Politics has changed, people want authenticity and they want big ideas

You are years behind the game, what you are calling for is basically Biden’s game plan

That won’t get anybody anywhere

There’s still a sort of parallel universe going on here - a world of normality in which people are asking who has thee best policies and who is best placed to beat Trump

Then there’s the real world where the Republicans are doing everything possible to rig the 2020 election

There are at least five or six Democratic candidates who can and likely would beat Trump given a fair election

2020 isn’t going to be a fair election though, it’s going to be rigged through any and every means possible

Anybody who deosn’t see this is living in a fantasy world

So all this may be academic

Drunk grandad does David Brent impression

Breaking News:

Kamala Harris is NOT is favor of abolishing private insurance.

The question asked by Lester Holt was misleading, and interpreted by many in attendance as asking about the candidates personal choice, and whether they personally would give up their private insurance for a Medicaid plan. Kamala is in favor of retaining private insurance as an option and clarified this position this morning.

@labane1917 correct once again.

Flip flop

Kamala needs to up her game

This is the third time she’s flip flopped on this issue

It’s the defining issue of the campaign, better to do a bit of tap dancing now than box yourself into a position you can’t get out of.

There’s an serious hysteria gathering up around kamala. It’s as if she owned the ‘I’d say in her day’ thread

Wrong thread

Trump is at the DMZ meeting little Rocket Man.


Trump is a peacemaker

The liberals aren’t up yet to whinge about it.