US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Obama bombed the shit out of loads of countries. They gave him the Nobel peace prize. Trump is a peacemaker. He gets vilified

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He’s some man.
No messing around, gets shit down.
All his business accum as a deal maker is a real asset to the USA.

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The economy has never been stronger

Obama had drones kill thousands of civilians, yet is a champion to the leftists

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Feelings have been hurt all over the world

He’s black. He gets a free pass

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The left never minded a couple of hundred thousand innocents being killed, like in the USSR

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TFK exclusive: Trump has just won the 2020 election*.

  • failing an economic collapse. It looks like the US is getting ready for a big recession that will probably hit right around election time. If it comes before the election then the Democrats win. If it comes maybe 6 months after then Trump wins but becomes the most hated president in history.

That probably happens anyway

Correct. The Democrats are currently outdoing each other to see who can be the most progressive, free health care for people who aren’t legally in the country, paying off the student loans of doctors, attorneys, and other high earners, allowing terrorists in prison to vote, eliminate private health insurance, abolishing ICE and support for open borders, etc. These are the positions of the Twitter woke brigade who are currently driving the agenda, positions that are not shared by many Democratic voters and literally all Independent voters in swing states. Not a word about the issues that got Trump elected, jobs, border security, defending US technology from being stolen by China.

So there are reasonably two scenarios where a Democratic candidate wins, either the economy collapses as you say (unlikely, at worst we will likely see a shallow recession that won’t effect many people), or a sensible Democratic candidate that is seen as fairly moderate and not insane. After the debates it’s looking like the moderates like Biden will be run off the stage, leaving the progressives to fight it out which could get ugly.

Long way to go yet but it wouldn’t be unprecedented for Democrats to fragment in the coming year.


Agreed . As they said about the 2007 oirish GE . A good one to lose


The reason for @Tank’s increasingly pro-Trump opinions is becoming clear

US jobs data for June, +224K jobs added, well above expectations. The US economy continues to expand, driven by pro growth strategies, while Europe and the rest of the world lags.

If the Democrats run on an anti-business “the economy is terrible” platform in 2020, Trump will romp home. Biden out this morning warning that the left of the party is endangering their chances.

Trump’s bosses are laughing at him

I guess they don’t respect pathetic doormats either

Trumps increase in military spending is bigger than the entire Russian military budget. Tanks are very 1945.


That’s an awful schlap on the mouth for @Sidney

Trump is living in 1945

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