US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Remember they were big into answering every question with ‘wwjd’ for a good while.
Does anyone ask this question any more?


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The greatest WUM that ever lived

Anyone clicking on that link is already fucked.

This has gone viral over the last few days, though it’s actually from 2016

I’d guess that Trump sourced these Florida kids from Jeffrey Epstein

dont let facts get in the way of anything. trump ran epstein from mar a lago when he heard about him tapping up young girls.

clinton was on the lolita express 26 times, but trump bad i guess


Facts, eh

Trump appointed Alex Acosta labour secretary

Labour secretary deals with human trafficking

Acosta gave Epstein a shamefully lenient plea bargain of 13 months in a minimum security prison in which Epstein got out on day release every single day

This for being a serial paedophile

It’s exactly why he was appointed labour secretary

Now, tell us your source for the Clinton allegation

There has been an incredible difference in reaction to the Epstein story

People like me are very clear about what should happen as regards a case like this - everybody involved should feel the full force of the law regardless off any political affiliation they may or may not have

Your reaction is to defend Trump and to try and bait and switch in classic right wing propaganda manner

Says a lot about your attitude to paedophilia doesn’t it, ie., that you don’t take it seriously at all and merely see it as something to try and bait your straw man idea of “the left” with

Fucked up doesn’t begin to explain that kind of a reaction

heres millions of sources, take your pick

youre, by your own admission, a sex offender. did you ever apologise to the girl and tell what your plans were?

epstein has been prosecuted twice, both by republicans. hes never been touched by democrats,

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That’s not a source, pal, it’s a google search, google searches return all sorts of bullshit

Please link to a reputable source

Why are you defending a slap on the wrist for a serial paedophile merely because it was Trump’s current labour secretary who showed himself to be soft on paedophilia?

Acosta also broke the law in doing so

It’s pretty clear what your attitude is - you completely support being soft on paedophilia as long as it’s somebody you like

That is beyond fucked up

ive posted millions of results including reputable sources NBC, BBC, Bloomberg, MSNBC etc

and youre a sex offender so in no position to be casting any aspersions about anyone.

or as leo would say, a sinning priest.

This is all rather pathetic art

I asked you to post one reputable source for your claim - you have so far failed to do so

Now, can I ask you why you are defending a 13 month day release sentence for a serial paedophile?

Which actually broke the law because the victims weren’t told about the plea bargain - Acosta went behind the victims’ backs

Acosta’s excuses have also been proved to be bullshit

Seems a strange hill for you to die on to defend all this stuff

@artfoley - Trump’s lawyer has said he had no relationship with Epstein

That’s demonstrably false

In 2002, Trump even gave a remarkable on-the-record comment about Epstein to a New York magazine journalist, calling him “terrific” and adding that he “likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Why is Trump lying over this?

Any chance you might answer that?

where have i defended it? I’ve neither said its good or bad, youre some man for extracting information that clearly isnt there.

all you have to do is click on the link i provided but if youre too lazy

They aren’t sources, they’re random links

Post a relevant passage from a reputab;e source, with links please, which backs up your allegations

So far, you haven’t done this

Your reaction to this story that of a classic Trumpbot - throw out unsubstantiated allegations against your political enemies and defend those you like

Now, deal with what Acosta did

13 months in a minimum security facility with day release - negotiated by illegal plea bargain

Does that sound like an appropriate sentence to you?

Should Acosta resign?

Should the guy who employed him also resign - given that he also campaigned for a serial alleged paedophile for the senate, and has multiple rape and sexual assault allegations against him?

trump has no relationship with epstein and has not had once since he kicked him out of mar a lago for hitting on young girls

he 2009 subpoena: In 2009, Brad Edwards, an attorney who has represented various Epstein victims, had Trump served with a subpoena for testimony in a case against Epstein.

But Edwards is not alleging any wrongdoing from Trump; rather, the opposite. He [said in a recent interview that he had served subpoenas on many connected people in 2009, and that Trump was “the only person who picked up the phone and said, ‘Let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want.’”

Edwards added that Trump “was very helpful, in the information that he gave,” calling it “good information that checked out and that helped us.” And, he said, Trump “gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever.”

which makes shite of your attempts at spinning

Wow, you actually believe all the utter bullshit emanating from Trump, don’t you

Your problem is that you have no critical skills whatsoever to evaluate things you read

This leads to things like you treating paedophilia as partisan political issue, which is beyond fucked up

Now, please provide the sources to back up your earlier allegation

So far, you’ve completely failed to do this

Oh, and it definitely aint me who’s spinning here, mate

I’m just laying out the facts which you can’t deal with

You haven’t laid out a single fact. Again, you’re a sex offender trying to weaponise sexual abuse but you accuse me of doing it.

Go and have a lie down, and when you’ve slept off the rage write a letter to your victim and after that hand yourself in at the Garda station. Maybe then you’ll get the help you so badly need.

You obviously haven’t even read my posts here mate

I’ll take your latest repsonse there as an admission on your part that you haven’t got the faintest idea what you’re talking about

Good luck with the continued paedophile defending

Tallies perfectly with your bizarre misogynistic and highly unprofesisonal behaviour that you admitted to during rape trials

As always with Trumpbots, the projection is never far away

Your contributions here this morning would be funny if they weren’t so pathetic

You should stick around until 4pm when the other deranged tag teamer comes along to try and bail you out
