US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Is that your preferred reaction from a woman when you fancy some sex?

no, its snort guffaw guffaw. which is still preferable than the reaction you get which is the woman leaving for another continent, only to be followed by you…

Answer the question, art, is a woman snoring your cue for making sexual advances or not?

Remember, you’re very fond of “surprise sex”, aren’t you

Hey @Sidney, I missed the bit where you admitted to being a sex offender, Art has mentioned it a lot here, what’s the story?

no its not. and you should know that moving to another continent means no

Art likes to brand people as sex offenders purely for forum kicks

He’s done it twice so far this morning

Then he whinges like a baby when he gets a bit of abuse back

Abuse which unfortunately for him, happens to actually be true

Three times today he’s labelled you a Sex Offender, where’s the admission?

yes he is

" I’ve already made a mental decision to follow her out there, even if it’s only for a few weeks, and “accidentally” run into her.
It means I’d happily eat her period, or at least continue to happily wear my Liverpool tracksuit with her period and/or her piss soaked into it"

me thinks the sex offender likes to call rapists too much.

the sinning sidney priest

You better ask art

He has trouble providing links to any big, unfounded claims he likes to make

As always, he’s big on the projection

Whie actually and entirely unironically defending a paedophile himself

You couldn’t make it up

sid, everyone on here knows what you are, you sick bastard and no amount of virtue signalling/windmilling by you is going to change that

Honestly mate, I don’t think that kind of shite talk is deserving of being repeatedly branded as a sex offender, shows a weakness on your part in the debate.

You brought in virtue signalling here, mate

It’s a strange kind of virtue signalling to defend the disgracefully lenient treatment of a paedophile and to treat paedophilia as a partisan political issue

Yet again, your very own projection has come back to embarrass you

so stalking a woman across continents is not a sex offence that leads to placement on the sex offenders register?

also you missed the part where he wished death on my wife.

He also does it entirely unironically

He is an incredibly bitter and reactionary crank

He’ll stoop to any depths when his “arguments” are exposed for the utter nonsense they are

Honestly mate, I don’t think idle talk on the internet is deserving of that label

I did indeed forget the second bit but I do recall something now that I think about it.

But neither of these things actually happened, mate

Rent free, as they say

Whereas you actually did joke about “surprise” sex at rape trials at which you were supposed to be assisting the complainant

they both happened, talk about cognitive dissonance on your part.

i did assist the complainant, its weirdo fuckers like you thatll rape them and then have cracks like this at people using dark humour as a coping mechanism.

sids welcome to meet me face to face to discuss

They didn’t happen, mate

You have actually joked about surprise sex when you were supposed to be assisting complainants in rape trials

I think what’s most on show here how pathetically needy you are and how insecure you are that you consistently feel the need to make an utter fool of yourself when you lose an argument, which sadly is very regularly