US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Are you trying to stalk me, art? :laughing:

like i said cognitive dissonance.

people can judge the argument as they see fit. but youre a hypocrite who apparently has had some kind of psychological break and now sees rape and misogyny everywhere but somehow can see your own offending behaviour.

youve clearly been out of human contact for so long that youre totally vested in “winning” arguments onb the internet.

by all means keep selectively quoting, ignoring facts and typing reams upon reams of shite, but youve been horribly on so many threads by so many posters that youre essentially an angry man posting lengthy missives at clouds.


Laughable projection again

Psychological breakdown, eh, tut tut, you display all the signs, and that’s sad to say

I think we can all see who is desperate to “win” an argument here give the depths to which you stoop when you’re easily outpointed

I just advance actual facts and context

That tends to do the job with the minimum of fuss

It’s amazing how you can induce an e-psychotic episode in somebody just by sticking to reality

I somehow doubt we’re going to find out this guy was a human rights lawyer having a very bad day

For those looking for evidence of whether Bill Clinton traveled on the Lolita Express, here’s some compelling evidence that he did… from Bill Clinton. This is a statement released this week by his spokesman Angel Arena. There is evidence from published flight logs that Bill is lying and only admitting to the trips when his secret service detail were present.

Hopefully this time the US justice system gets this case right, as the evidence suggests Epstein used his enormous influence and probably bribery last time round to get a light sentence (the case was originally a Florida state case and the local prosecutor wanted to drop the case before the Feds stepped in). There appears little doubt that Epstein was providing underage girls and boys to well heeled men, mainly politicians and celebrities (Kevin Spacey was also a frequent flyer on the Lolita express). Hopefully he squeals, supports the victims, and takes all of the guilty to prison with him (and I include everyone in that if they are found guilty, Clinton, Trump and anyone else).


Trump and Clinton are both sex offenders who were very close to Epstein and got up to all sorts of badness with him. Epstein could easily be killed.

One of the big mysteries on Epstein is how he got so wealthy. He worked at Bear Stearns for a while in the 80s and left to start his own hedge fund. There’s very little info on the hedge fund, financials, clients, etc. He might just be a con man operating a ponzi scheme like Bernie Madoff, or as some are speculating made his money from bribing rich guys after filming their encounters with underage girls. The Feds raided his NY mansion this past weekend and seized lots of photographs and videos, including what the SDNY described as a safe containing cds with hand written labels of “young (name) + (name)”.

I’d say there’s a lot of lads shitting themselves. There are reports his attorneys are offering full cooperation in exchange for a 5 year sentence.

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It would be great if this turned into carnage, I’d love to see them all burn.

BTW the NYT are saying they’ve uncovered a story of Trump arranging a “party” in Mar-a-Lago in 1992 for just Trump, Epstein and 28 “beautiful women”. This course would be around the time that Trump was great mates with Bill Clinton.

I was going to ask if you accepted this story but I guess we both have to accept that we can’t know 100%. We weren’t there.

I’ll give Trump one thing though, at least he never flew on the Lolita Express. Clinton was hardly ever off it. Clinton was also a guest at Epstein’s island, that the locals all referred to as “Paedophile Island”.

In his statement on Monday, Mr. Clinton’s spokesman, Angel Ureña, said that Mr. Clinton took “four trips” on Mr. Epstein’s plane between 2002 and 2003 — one each to Europe and Asia, and two to Africa.

The trips all “included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation,” Mr. Ureña said, adding that Mr. Clinton’s staff, supporters of the foundation and Mr. Clinton’s Secret Service detail traveled with him on every leg of every trip.

Flight records published by Gawker in 2015 suggested that Mr. Clinton took at least a dozen separate flights on Mr. Epstein’s plane. A year later, Fox News reported that flight records showed President Clinton had flown at least 26 times on Mr. Epstein’s plane.

Clinton and Trump are both filthy as fuck but don’t defend Clinton pal.

That isn’t compelling evidence at all

Fox News is not a reputable source though

That’s a NYT article.

NYT seems fairly convinced by it, I suppose Bill will be suing Fox News then.

I don’t want to sound naive here but I think you’re letting yourself down defending Bill Clinton.

Here’s a scan of the names in Epstein’s “little black book”

Some very interesting names in there

Two Trumps, several Kennedys, Dershowitz, Kevin Spacey, Andy and Fergie, plus an extensive list of other well known people

Flavio Briatore was one name that stuck out, not least because it’s circled

Bernie Ecclestone is in there too

I’m not defending Bill Clinton at all, I’m merely looking for facts

A big, big claim was made earlier today

I merely asked for a reputable source to back up the claim

No such source has yet been provided

It’s interesting that those same people who are prepared to throw out big claims about other people without evidence are the same people who defend Trump to the death

Trump has three rape allegations against him including one under oath by his wife, and one against a 13 year old, and 18 other allegations of sexual assault against him

He has also supported an alleged paedophile who ran for the senate and continues to employ a man who negotiated an illegal and shamefully lenient plea bargain for Epstein who is a serial paedophile

And then there’s this:

Anybody looking anywhere else other than the known perpetrator of this paedophilia (Epstein) and those who have enabled him (Acosta and the Trump regime) are playing partisan politics with paedophilia

The fact is we don’t know who else was involved, though we can suspect some names, such as Dershowitz

Let the cards fall as they may though, hopefully everybody involved is brought to justice

Not true at all - that’s the spin put out by the Trump regime and yet again you’ve swallowed it hook, line and sinker

You are a very, very gullible person

Acosta protected a paedophile who was a friend of Trump

He just happens to have been appointed to the department which deals with human trafficking

You couldn’t make it up

This regime could not be more rotten and you have supported it all the way, you utter freak

Take your beating you hopeless simpleton. You haven’t a notion how anything works in the US, have never been there, yet claim to be an expert. You are no expert, you are a hopelessly biased loon who believes everything as long as it supports “your” side.

The case against Epstein was investigated by Florida cops and pursued by a Florida prosecutor. It was later taken up by the Feds. Epstein had the best criminal attorneys money can buy, including Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz. Federal prosecutors rather than going to court, where they could have lost (remember OJ?), negotiated a plea deal. Nothing usual there, 97% of criminal cases in the US are resolved via a plea deal and never go to court. Epstein was registered as a sex offender, sentenced to 18 months in prison and paid his victims tens of millions of dollars. Should Epstein have got a longer sentence? Absolutely in my opinion, a life sentence, but the risk was going to trial and losing which is always possible in a he said/she said case.

Those are the facts. The only person on this site who has defended a pedophile is yourself when you defended the sentence given to Tom Humphries. Live with being a pedophile enabler, that creep will be out on the streets shortly due to the sympathy of people like you.

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Would you go away to fuck you failed wum.

Compelling evidence :joy::joy::joy::joy: How more compelling do you need that Clinton rode on the Lolita Express than Clinton admitting he did? Your efforts to defend him are as disgusting as your defense of Tom Humphries.

You believed scumbag attorney Michael Avenatti (looking at 20+ years for robbing his clients) in his insane $ based claims against Brett Kavanaugh, please don’t even mention compelling evidence. The truth is you believe any old shit you read on Twitter as long as it enforces your warped view of reality. You have zero ability to rationally approach any issue, you are simply irredeemable.

Fuck off out of this thread and leave it to people with functioning brains.

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