US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

The NYT is a credible source of accusations against Trump but not Clinton. This is genuinely disturbing stuff from Sid and I’m not engaging with it any further.


Trump and Clinton should obviously be fucked into prison. Arbour Hill.

I’m loathe to get involved in this shit but for a fella who is demanding “compelling evidence” and “reputable sources” this line made me lol especially as it was in the same post that was quoting a story from a publication called the “daily beast”.


Wow, you’re reaching new levels of psychotic.

And all because I pulled you up on a basic fact.

I find it very interesting how you react in such a psychotic manner when you’re called out.

It seems to touch a raw nerve deep within you - at a basic psychological level, it’s quite easy to see that this is because you’ve become utterly obsessed with the internet persona you’ve tried to invent for yourself as being knowledgable about US politics, despite the simple fact that you have never been right about anything in your life and have a consistent record of calling things hilariously wrong and giving utterly bigoted takes about every issue.

This happens when you choose to believe a regime which is led by a fascist who has made well over 10,000 lies in less than two and a half years.

So it’s no surprise to see you defend the regime that is protecting a paedophile, which makes you very much the paedophile protector and defender.

well hes surfaced, cue reams and reams of shite

Well since @Sidney is placing such faith in the daily beast
"The Daily Beast did a deep dive into the case and the people supporting the accuser in July, and came to a devastating conclusion: “Far from derailing the Trump train, Katie Johnson and her supporters seem to be in an out-of-control clown car whose wheels just came off,” wrote Brandy Zadrozny.

The Guardian and Jezebel also looked into the situation and came up with equally unfavorable takes"

At least, unlike yourself and @anon7035031 I won’t be defending paedophiles

I suppose defending paedophiles goes with the territory of being a far right nutcase

Paedophilia is the purest expression of far right politics - that the strong should exploit and destroy the weak is its central idea - and you can’t get a purer expression of that than paedophilia

Little wonder that this stuff has taken over the Republican party and its online mob

Except your “her” in this case is Fox News and there’s no evidence or even any suggestion whatsoever that Clinton was involved in paedophilia.

Whereas there very much is evidence that Trump was involved.


obviously youve conveniently forgotten left wing paedos such as the paedophile information exchange

theres paedos on both sides of the fence but youre an unbalanced swivel eyed loon so cant see that

You didn’t rebut my point at all.

I never said paedophilia didn’t cut across all classes or encompass people of all opinions.

My point is that paedophilia is the purest expression of far right political ideology - the idea that the strong should control, expolit and destroy the weak.

Only far right political ideology is actually geared towards promoting paedophilia. It promotes gender inequality, discrimination and exploitation, it promotes exploitation of and discrimination against people based on sexual orientation, it promotes exploitation of and discrimination against people based on race and ethnicity.

It’s entirely logical and inevitable that the promotion of paedophilia is a follow on from this sort of fascist ideology.

Hence Claire Fox, an actual Brexit party MEP, defends child pornography.

Hence a UKIP MEP candidate uses rape threats against Jess Philips as a campaign strategy.

Hence the wanton cruelty towards young children in concentration camps at the US border, hence the rise in Trump’s popularity when this stuff is uncovered. Sexual exploitation of these children is without doubt the next step for the Trump regime and I have no doubt it will be uncovered in due course.

Cruelty and shameless promotion of cruelty is hardwired into the far right.

youre like a lefty shrieky gemma odoherty

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No, I wrote a well written and concise post which is inarguable in its truth.

I was one of the first people on this forum, I think I was the first, actually, to see through the real ideology of Gemma O’Doherty - that was well back into 2016 - and I can see through your ideology as well.

You were actively supporting her on here until very recently by the way, and long after her sick fascist ideology was on full view.

I’ve no idea, neither do you. Anything’s possible…


The difference is, I’m not pretending to know who is or isn’t guilty of paedophilia in the case regarding Epstein, whereas other people are.

I’m merely referring to evidence already in the public domain.

Thanks for that gif which you couldn’t even link to properly in reply.

That’s me told, eh.

its working fine for me, must be an issue with your browser, either that or your computer is corrupted with all the viruses its picked up from your late night, one handed visits to seriously dodgy websites

My computer is working just fine, pal

its not really, it appears to be turning your well written and concise posts into longwinded gibberish

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It’s not my problem if anything beyond one sentence is not “concise” enough for you.

Is this post concise enough for you?

Two sentences, or three as it is now with this last one.