US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Trump says “Acosta did a fantastic job”

Well, letting off a paedophile with a touch on the wrist never mind a slap, he would say that, wouldn’t he

Protecting paedophiles and promoting sexual abuse is Republican policy

Acosta has resigned.

If Trump is protecting pedophiles, why is his DOJ pursuing Epstein?
Surely if Trump himself were involved he would have Barr call off the SDNY and leave Epstein alone?

I didn’t say Clinton was a paedophile I said he was a sex offender who got up to all sorts of filth with Epstein. This is sid’s lowest moment.

you might think that but youd be very wrong.

" During a press conference announcing the new charges against Epstein, Berman, a Trump appointee, delivered what seemed like a direct rebuke of the way Acosta cut the victims out of the process. In announcing the Epstein indictment, Berman stated, “every victim must be heard.” This is an important pronouncement given the tortured history of the case. For the sake of what is described in the Epstein indictment of “dozens of minor girls,” let’s hope that the voices of the victims are finally recognized."

and before you go spouting about reputable outlets

On the subject of #Ibelieveher, I believe every one of Epstein’s accusers. There’s one if them who says Epstein was riding her from age 15 and Epstein paid her $15,000 to fuck Prince Andrew when she was 17. She has a photo of herself and Prince Andrew when she was 17.

I would even venture that the evidence against Epstein is compelling. The cheeky cunt is now asking to be released from prison and be allowed to live in his $77M mansion while awaiting trial.

This plea bargaining shite in the US is awful. What about the separation of powers?

SDNY is prosecuting Epstein

Here’s what the SDNY is:

“The SDNY presents the greatest ongoing legal threat to Trump and his people,” says Mimi Rocah, a former chief of the office’s organized crime unit. In February the Times reported that Trump had asked Barr’s predecessor, Matthew Whitaker, whether a perceived loyalist could be put in charge of the SDNY’s work; Whitaker subsequently denied, under oath, having had any such conversation. But it’s hard to imagine Trump won’t try to intercede if the famously independent SDNY—currently back in the headlines for charging billionaire Jeffrey Epstein with sex trafficking—moves to indict one or more of the president’s high-ranking associates.

Are you talking about the same DOJ which Trump has relentelessly tried to subvert and corrupt?

Are you talking aabout the same DOJ in which the attorney general who has already proved himself to be shamelessly corrupt now refuses to recuse himself from the Epstein case despite this:

Attorney General Bill Barr and Epstein go way back: back in the early 1970s, Barr’s father hired Epstein to work as a physics and math teacher at the elite Manhattan private school Dalton, despite the fact that Epstein did not have a college degree. Following Epstein’s arrest, former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi hinted that Barr could “attempt to interfere” with the prosecution of the case, though this would be unlikely given the “obvious” link between the two men. During his confirmation hearings, Barr himself said he would likely recuse himself from any involvement with the Epstein case, as he previously served as counsel for the law firm Kirkland and Ellis, which also represented Epstein in negotiating the terms of his 2007 plea agreement. But in an essay for the Daily Beast, former federal prosecutor Mimi Rocah expressed concern that Barr wouldn’t keep his word in this regard: “while it pains me to say this, given Barr’s conduct in the past acting more as a defense attorney for Trump than an overseer of justice, I am concerned that Barr might interfere if he thought that Epstein might implicate Trump, who was friends with Epstein,” she wrote.

Barr has nothing to do with bringing the prosecution - but there’s every reason to think he will try to put the kibosh on it if stuff comes out that is not to his or Trump’s liking

Remember now, you have a proven record of believing Barr when he spouts utter bullshit, so we can take anything you say about Barr with not so much a pinch of salt but several cartons

The SDNY is part of the DOJ you clown.

Plea bargaining has it’s place in a justice system though. It avoids the ordeal of victims having to appear in court, it saves the taxpayer billions by not having to go through trial, and most importantly it helps to convict other criminals.

I know what the SDNY is, mate.

It’s a district division of the federal justice system with autonomous powers.

You seem to not understand the US justice system, but then you don’t understand anything else, so that’s no surprise.

But how interesting that you try to give credit to Trump, Barr and the whole corrupt, kleptocratic cabal that have nothing whatsoever to do with this prosecution and will no doubt actively work to undermine it.

Goebbels ain’t got nothing on you.

But I’m beginning to to wonder has Barr got something on you considering that you’ve acted as his shameless mini-me on this forum since he was appointed.

And it helps the well connected, ie. rich, white men, to evade justice

It’s a division of the DOJ which is run by AG Barr.

If Trump and Barr wanted to protect Epstein this case wouldn’t be happening, according to your conspiracy theory. The judge hearing this case is a Trump appointee. Any normal person would conclude Trump and Barr want Epstein and those involved in his pedophile ring brought to justice.

Incorrect, what helps rich people evade justice is the ability to hire the best defense attorneys.
OJ Simpson springs to mind.

but isnt berman a trump appointee???

how come none of the democrat prosecutors never went near epstein?

loretta lynch’s silence is deafening

My word

Reading your posts and the terminal bullshit contained within them is literally like listening to a cyborg designed to encompass the very worst aspects of Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham

Do you have posters of Barr on your wall, by any chance?

Because the distinct impression one gets is that of any person in the US right now, the one man you trust most is Barr.

Who to any normal person is obviously one of the two men you should trust least, given his decades long record of corrupt crisis management activity for the Republicans.


To protect Bill Clinton obviously. The prior case against Epstein happened on Obama’s DOJ watch.
Anyone who rode on the Lolita Express has o be regarded as a suspect as the Lolita Express was used for only one purpose, sex trafficking of minors.

@Sidney is denying that Bill Clinton rode on the Lolita Express, as the evidence of Clinton admitting he did so is not compelling enough for his (Sid’s) lofty legal standards.

every time clinton gets on a private plane it seems to cause trouble

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