US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

But you are the one claiming the US is a fascist state. The head of the justice department of a fascist state would not allow a case be brought that threatens his leader.

GOD doesn’t hold a candle to you when it comes to believing any old bullshit conspiracy theories.

Correct. Dirty as fuck.

I’m having a bit of a #ibelieveher moment, I find the reasoning if this article very convincing. In 2019 we have to accept that Bill Clinton is probably a rapist:

The US is certaInly becoming a fascist state and it certainly has a fascist regime.

There are numerous fascist regimes which operate in nominally “democratic” states, who chip away and chip away at democracy until it eventually falls.

Those who understand fascism don’t have scales on our eyes. You don’t have scales on your eyes either, you actively support the above.

You have cheerled that regime every step of the way, because, you are, as everybody can see as clear as day, a fascist, and that has been utterly borne out in your posting history for years.

I called you for what you were years back and I’ve been proven thoroughly correct about you.

It’s funny that in three years, I don’t once recall you speaking out about any of the hateful, despicable shit that has gone on with this regime.

For somebody who claims to support Kamala Harris (despite you hating her actual policies), it’s amazing how you behave so like a MAGA Twitterbot.

The only thing you’re missing is the little stars and stripes in your profile with “Proud Mom of two, Christian, Patriot, MAGA, #GoTrump2020” under it and a reversed stock photo as your profile pic.

According to Sid this is the one case where we should not believe her.

Juanitaa Broaddrick swore under oath that she wasn’t raped.

Ivanna Trump swore under oath that she was raped.

In both cases, your reaction was to tell everybody that you didn’t believe either.

Facts don’t suit you, mate.

Kamala Harris will be a great centrist president and will unify the country.

As for the rest of your hysteria, take your meds and calm down mate.

Do many white supremacists claim to support Kamala Harris, or is it just you?

Juanita Brodderick told her best friend she was raped the day she was raped and had bruising on her face.
She also told her partner at the time who she later married that she was raped by Bill Clinton. She has made clear her reasons for signing that affidavit, she was scared of the repercussions, after Hillary Clinton threatened her.

She still maintains to this day that she was raped. Yet you call her a liar. Shame on you.

It took her a long time to process what happened to her and for a long time she didnt want any fuss. Paula Jones came sticking her nose in for party political reasons and she told her to fuck off, she didn’t want anything to do with Paula Jones. That probably speaks in her favour.

This is very sad to see how low Sid has sunk. I will follow my own advice and stop engaging.


So you don’t believe Juanita Broaddrick’s testimony.


It must be great to be you, you can simply live in a world of make believe and Fox-spun bullshit narratives.

While also vilifying every woman who accuses your favourite Republican sexual predators.

You are beneath contempt.

Sid believes all accusers as long as they accuse people he hates, even is there is zero evidence to back up their claim and every evidence they are lying. Case in point, he believes the “victim” Michael Avenatti found who was clearly a nutjob looking to make a few $.

He does not believe Juanita Broddrick who told her best friend and her partner the day of the rape, and had bruising on her face, an has maintained to this day that she was raped. He also doesn’t believe that Clintons would pressure anyone to protect Bill, even though Hillary slut shamed every woman who accused Bill, including Monica Lewinsky.

A very strange oddball.

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A few months back when I wasn’t posting here, you went into a very interesting little stream of consciousness fantasy about you imagining me being a far right poster.

You should read that back to yourself.

Because you’re now perilously close to becoming that little stream of consciousness far right fantasy yourself.

It’s little wonder the forum’s chief racist, misogynist and paedophile protecting regime supporter is now tag teaming with you.

Shit sticks together.

I believe the preponderance of the evidence which is she was raped by Bill Clinton. People sign things for all kinds of reasons, fear, etc. She later recanted it and said she felt pressured to sign it.

You are despicable individual to call this victim a liar, while believing known liars such as Michael Avenatti.

You believe accusers as long as they fit in with your far right political narrative and you vilify those who don’t.

And you dismiss evidence out of hand when it doesn’t fit your narrative. I mean you’re actually doing it right here while you virtue signal like the utterly morally bankrupt troll you are.

For you, rich, white men of the Republican variety have a God-given right to be sexual predators.

We’re really getting down to brass tacks now about what you believe, aren’t we.

You have a proven record of believing liars more than anybody else on this forum.

In your latest reply, you’ve just pissed all over another woman who alleges she was raped.

Probably a sexual fantasy of yours.

Let me make my position clear on pedophiles. All convicted pedophiles should be removed from society permanently, regardless of their political affiliation.

You are the only poster on here who has defended pedophiles, arguing that the sentence given to Tom Humphries was just and that it was morally correct for DOC to argue for a lesser sentence. Humphries in my opinion should never see the light of day again.

You are a pedophile enabler, live with it.

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lets leave your sick fantasies out of it

how was it ouy delicately put it, oh yeah: “It means I’d happily eat her period, or at least continue to happily wear my Liverpool tracksuit with her period and/or her piss soaked into it”

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Projection, projection, projection

Have you not got anything else except spewing forth laughable bullshit which you are squarely guilty of yourself?

Paedophilia to you is acceptable as long as you have the correct political affiliation, ie Republican

This from the paedophile enabler who consistently defends a regime which vilfies women who have been sexually assaulted and raped and supported a paedophile to run for the senate

This from the man who supported paedophile enabler Milo Yiannopoulos

This from the man who thinks that historical rape claims are all made up, except if he doesn’t like the accused

This from the man who supports actual torture

Who supports actual nuclear bombing

Who calls the Saudi regime “benevolent” and supports the fascist Bolsonaro who jokes about not raping women because they were “too ugly”

Who defended Trump when the latest rape allegation came to light and had nothing to say about his comment that “she’s not my type”, a comment that carried the obvious implication that Trump would have seen nothing wrong with raping her if she was his type

All those are facts

All you have is lies and projection

Interesting that you didn’t stick up for @anon7035031 there

Probably because your own fantasy of springing some “surprise sex” on a rape victim during a trial is worse

Remember, you’ve actually freely admitted this

Makes @HBVs little exploits seem wholesome by comparison

Quiz question: who said this?

Hint: It wasn’t “surprise sex” fantasist @artfoley

"I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”