US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

No I didn’t get addicted. But I sure as hell enjoyed it though.

But you have an addictive personality, yet you didn’t become addicted…


If he was black would be have gotten 5 feet outside his door?

@anon7035031 has explained before that black people are more dangerous and so police officers feel threatened by black people so it’s ok to shoot them.

Very humane policing. Esso wants this poor crazy person shot on sight, that’s appalling.

Sure he was naked, you could see he had no weapons on him, unless he was going to piss on someone.

that should be a shooting offence. CC @seanobrien

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I’ve explained this to you before, but as you are as thick as shit it’s clearly a waste of time.

All credible studies show that violent crime rates are the driving force behind police shootings. In 90-95% of police shootings, the individual shot was actively attacking either a fellow citizen or a police officer, and in 90% of cases they were armed.

If you live in an area that has a lot of violent crime committed by whites, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in an area that has a lot of violent crime committed by blacks, black people are more likely to be shot. It’s really a simple as that. Black people are also more likely to be shot by a black cop than a white cop.

This obviously doesn’t fit your social justice warrior narrative, but you can shove that your hole.

Black people are way more likely to be shot. Correct.

and why is that?

America is a racist society and police killings are treated with impunity.

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Black people are more dangerous so they should be shot more, what could be racist about that?

According to the cops’ own statistics. So even according to the police stats 10% of folks shot by the police aren’t attacking anyone and 10% are unarmed? How many of that 10% are black?

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Pure nonsense.

Blacks comprise 14% of the US population. Over 50% of murders are committed by blacks, and 40% of all violent crime, including murder, rape, violent robberies, etc. Blacks are more likely to be shot by police because blacks are more likely to be involved in violent crime, and much more likely to confront police while armed than any other race.

It’s as simple as that, except to a moron like yourself.

I’m not arguing that there are not unjustified killings, nor arguing that the justice system favors the police in such killings. Clearly both are true. However, such killings are rare although they get all the media attention.

The vast vast majority of those shot by police are engaged in violent crime and are armed.

@glasagusban, @Tank

Travellers comprise 0.7% of the Irish population, and yet comprise 22% of the prison population.

Obviously Ireland is a racist hellhole, far worse than the US.

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It’s very important to remember that the US has no race problem and any suggestion must be met with very long posting on an anonymous Internet forum. Ireland is the country with the real race problem. The only role that race plays in American politics is that it made self hating idiots vote Obama. Also, there is a clannishness amongst black voters that is influential. There are also no attempts to disenfranchise black voters, American elections are the free-est and fairest in the world. Ireland is the country with a really corrupt democracy, historically that’s what Ireland is famous for. Fairly recent controversies like integrated busing in Boston or Martin Luther Kings campaign to enfranchise black voters… actually I’d rather just ignore them. Black people are more likely to commit crimes and this is 100% definitive proof that there is no racism. No questions asked, irrefutable argument. The Republican party aren’t racist, the real racists are the Democrats with their obsession with identity politics and refusal to call a spade a spade because they think that would be racist. There is also no such thing as cognitive dissonance and the best thing I ever did was leave that shit hole Ireland because my new home is a paradise. Fucking idiots at home, who can’t understand what I understand or see what I see.


Obviously Ireland is racist as fuck against travellers, have you ever read TFK. The travelling community is also a disgrace and acting huge number of its members have contempt for law and decency, have you ever read TFK. That’s not a contradiction.

If the guards started shooting travellers dead or acting like their lives didn’t matter however, then that would be an escalation in racism and very serious.

I love the way @anon7035031 vilifies social justice

He’s so right

Social justice is evil and must be fought against and he’s doing a splendid job of it

That’s fascinating. I am proud to be both Irish and American, and regardless of their flaws love both countries equally.