US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

“My buddies in the RAF”?

Who’s this now?

Rush and Fowler?

Democrats announce they are beginning impeachment proceedings, tomorrow.

Trump announces he is releasing unredacted transcript of his call with President Zelelsky, tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.


Joe will probably lose out to Elizabeth Warren. But Joe is great entertainment while he remains in the race.

One of Trump or Biden will be toast by the end of the week.

“Transcript” :grin:

The longer Biden stays in the race, the better.

The radicalized dems can start impeachment proceedings in the house, they aren’t doing much else.

Slick Willy Clinton will remain the only US President to be impeached :wink:

Possibly both

Trump looked like he was on Fentanyl today

But I thought he wanted to be impeached, or something, at least that’s the narrative a certain poster here has spun

The whistleblower was not on the call, did not read the transcript of the call, and did not actually see the contents of the complaint within the DOJ. He or she merely disclosed the complaint exists.

But a partisan Obama appointee within the DOJ is all that matters :rofl:

He’ll most likely get impeached alright but importantly that doesn’t mean he’s obligated to step aside as president.

The Senate would have to convict him. About as much chance as Limerick winning the 2019 hurling AI.


Sure everybody knows there’s literally no level of criminality which the racist kleptocrats of the Republican party won’t defend

That’s not exactly news

Potentially interesting development

Why would the dems want to distract from another scandal of the Obama / Biden presidency :thinking:

Pelosi has just formally announced impeachment proceedings in the last few minutes

This was from an hour and a half ago:

This will just mean we’ll get a better price on Trump to be re-elected.

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