US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

No not necessarily.

The Donald is scattergun tweeting this evening not a hope a Republican Senate will convict him though will be just a sideshow for a few months

Strangely, I think this could be good for Biden’s chances in 2020

The allegations against him seem completely baseless and Democrats will inevitably rally towards him

However I expect the irredeemably corrupt Barr to try a massive bait and switch and to appoint a special prosecutor against Biden based on lies

Impeachment hearings will likely drag Trump down

Presuming the Democrats have their ducks in a row and go all in on it, they have to be fearless and absolutely destroy him in the way he so thoroughly deserves to be

A lot of his mental energy will be taken up by it and he could completely lose the plot, even more than he already has

It’s hard to imagine him sinking even lower but he always can - there is no bottom with him

This guy Amash was the sole Republican in Congress with a spine

So obviously he had to leave the Republican party as a result

Funny how the same guy on this forum who breathlessly awaited the publication of the total dud that was the Nunes memo :laughing: and believed word for word the lies of Barr about the Mueller report is suddenly salivating over the latest bait and switch Trump deflection

It’s hard to decide whether he gets continually conned through his own stupidity or wants to be continually conned through his own dishonesty and cognitive dissonance

I’ve just realised something that might be important later on:

Ukraine probably want rid of Trump because he’s pro-Putin and his support for them seems very conditional and flakey. If the allegations are true it would make sense from their point of view to wait a few weeks until Trump condemns himself and then release the proof.

However Trump must know they’d do that so I think he’s probably innocent with the way he’s going on. How did these allegations surface anyway?

Democrats need to drag this out over a long number of months with extensive public hearings which dominate the news cycle and slowly drag Trump down

They need to pursue everything over the entire history of Trump’s presidency, candidacy and beyond

Not just to rely on this, because there is a chance this whole thing is a false flag

I’m not convinced of Pelosi as a strategist at all and that she will do that

And strategy is key here

Alan Swinney is a member of the far right hate group the “Proud Boys”, founded by alt-right “personality” Gavin MacInnes, who regularly cause havoc on US streets

Charlatan far right propagandist Andy Ngo is heavily linked to them

Don’t hold your breath for Trump to ever even criticise them, never mind designate them as a terrorist group, even while making open threats of bombing against Antifa, CNN and Beto O’Rourke

These are Trump’s foot soldiers, his SS

Trump’s “transcript” is as follows:

Trump: Hello, Mr. President, you’re so great.
Zelensky: Hello. Thank you.
Trump: I think you’re so uncorrupt, good luck with the fight against corruption, believe me, I think you’re the best man to fight against corruption, bigly.
Zelensky: Thank you.
Trump: Do you like donuts?
Zelensky: Yes, who doesn’t.
Trump: That’s great, I think we’re gonna get on great.
Zelensky: Yes, I hope so.
Trump: I wanna talk to you about Biden.
Zelensky: What about him?
Trump: I think he’s a formidable opponent.
Zelensky: Yes, I think so too.
Trump: I hope I can win in a fair election. I love democracy!
Zelensky. Great. I love democracy too.
Trump: Great! OK, Bye!
Zelensky: Bye.

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Oh dear

And this is just from the stuff that’s doctored to try and make Trump look good

All those years in cahoots with the Russian mafia weren’t lost on him

Lindsey Graham, 1999: “You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job …if this body determines that your conduct …is clearly out of bounds in your role. …Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

The allegation surfaced when a whistle blower from within the DOJ made a complaint to the Inspector General. The suggestion from media reporting is that the complaint outlines some kind of promise made by Trump to President Zelensky in return for reopening an investigation into Joe Biden’s dealings with Ukraine back in 2014-2016.

Odds of impeachment have plummeted this morning after the release of the transcript of the phone call Trump had with Zelensky, the announcement that the whistleblower’s complaint will be released to congress this week, and most importantly the reported finding by the IG that the whistleblower likely was politically motivated.

The problem facing Democrats is that each time they take a shot at Trump and miss, it adds to the narrative that they are solely interested in overturning the 2016 democratic decision of the American public and have no interest in governing. Since the 2016 midterms there has been essentially zero legislation brought forward by the Democratic controlled House, nothing on health care, nothing on tax relief for working people, nothing on immigration, etc.

Assuming he survives and it’s looking increasingly likely he will, Trump’s campaign in 2020 will be based on “do you want a party that have spend four years attacking me, failing with each attack, and showing no interest in the issues that actually concern voters”. If this is how it pans out and the economy is still strong, it will be a very uphill battle for any Democratic candidate.

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The White House accidentally sent their “talking points” to House Democrats, and it’s all over Twitter :laughing:

Looks like @anon7035031 has copied and pasted :grin:

Who could have guessed something like that would happen

This was the guy who was salivating over the complete sham that was the Nunes memo literally two minutes after it was released, without having even read it, remember

Also on twitter that they tried to recall the email with those talking points :laughing:
The best people :laughing:

Difficult one for the taco chef here

He says he loves Kammy but hangs on Mr Fix It’s every word

“Transcript” :laughing:

Maybe Trump just talks rrrreeeeeeaaalllllyyyyy sssssllllllooooowwwww?

The Trump staffer that sent the email has one LinkedIn recommendation, saying they “are attentive to detail” :laughing::laughing::laughing:

No mention of holding back U.S. aid on the call with the president of Ukraine

This story from yesterday’s Washington Post has mysteriously disappeared :thinking:

As far back as 1987, Trump was ruled out of consideration to build a casino in Sydney’s Darling Harbour because of his Mafia connections

@Sidney we’ll be back in power man once he’s gone. Long live the Democrats.