US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

As Ohio votes so votes the nation.

That anybody can remotely defend any of this carry on is totally laughable

In any remotely functioning democracy these cunts would be in jail

Long ago

The corruption of this regime is off the charts

An utter humiliation for the US

A cursory look is all you have, given you have never been to the US and assume everyone is either red or blue. You are simply wrong, Independents who may lean red or lean blue or be truly neutral decide all US presidential elections.

Midterm turnout is historically 10-15% below presidential elections, and many Independents don’t bother voting. The majority of people voting in midterms are dedicated red and blue voters.

I agree however that 2018 turnout was positive for Democrats and if this can be translated to the 2020 election the Democratic candidate should win.


It’s very simple

Nobody needs to have been anywhere to read figures

The facts support my argument completely

“Party affiliation” is totally irrelevant

Votes are votes and the amount of people who genuinely swing their vote between Democrats and Reppublicans in the US is a very small proportion of those who vote

Election to election comparisons completely bear that out

Elections are won and lost on turnout - getting people to the polls who didn’t vote before

That’s why Warren is best placed to win in 2020 - because she will increase turnout

And it’s why Republicans go to such lengths to stop people from voting

Only looking for $100K apparently.

only enough for a russian pee tape :smiley:

People who swung their votes from Democrat to Republican in swing states in 2016 decided the election for Trump. Especially working class voters who feel the Democratic party have abandoned them.

Fascinating you still don’t grasp this. For Warren or any Democrat to win in 2020, these people have to swing back.

I note you’ve stopped disputing my arguments


Swing voters constutute about 5-6% of the electorate

That means about 94-95% of the electorate are not swing voters

You’ve done absolutely nothing to dispute this

You still don’t get it.

The actual number that swing from party to party from election to election may be small, but it’s enough to decide all presidential elections that are close. It decided the 2016 election, enough working class voters who voted for Obama in 2012 voted for Trump in 2016 to win him the election.

The point is that the pool of potential swing voters is 40% of the potential electorate, the largest subset of these don’t vote at all, and the rest may lean one way or the other, but leaning red or blue is not the same as nailed on red or blue.

Something fascinating about this Ukraine investigation.

Why didn’t Trump just exert executive privilege in this matter, as is his right? Every conversation between the POTUS and a foreign leader is privileged, otherwise Congress could subpoena every conversation by every US president in history. So why didn’t he just say sorry it’s privileged?

If Trump had exerted executive privilege it would be his word against the word of a whistleblower who admits in his complaint it is based on hearsay.

It’s almost as if Trump wants Democrats to impeach him.

So you admit I’m right, thanks

It wasn’t even me that brought up this point in the first place, it was @johnnysachs, so you can give him the credit


The media had tried to build this up and now are starting to realize that they have been set up and there is nothing illegal here.

Go Trump :us: :ireland:


What on earth leads people to post this shit

@johnnysachs claimed there were three (3) swing states, so for the record this is who you are agreeing with.

There are thirteen (13) battleground or swing states, Obama won most of them in 2008 and 2012. In 2016, Trump won seven (7) states that Obama had won at least once in 2008 or 2012.

It’s not that hard to understand, unless one is completely dense.

People who understand Trump and his MOO.

Why didn’t he exert executive privilege? It’e been done quite often, Obama did it to deny Congress regarding the “fast and furious” investigation, resulting in his AG being held in contempt of congress. Obama ultimately prevailed in not providing what congress requested.

In Trump’s mind, having Democrats 100% focused on investigating him, bringing impeachment to the floor and ultimately failing in the Senate, will help him in 2020. He may be wrong but that looks like his strategy.

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Well he is an idiot so maybe he didn’t know he could. That sounds like knowledge he would depend on his advisors or staff for. Maybe it’s them who’ve had enough and want him impeached.

Anything is possible, but as of now Republicans are backing Trump. The only one who has really spoken out strongly against him is Mitt Romney, and even he isn’t calling for impeachment.

It would take 20 Republican senators to vote for conviction and obviously all the Democratic senators, it’s in the realm of fantasy for now.

Most articulate thing you’ve said for a long time

@johnnysachs is a poster I disagree with frequently but he was pretty much spot on in what he said and the figures very much bear that out

I did out a comprehensive list of what states were in play above

Maybe if read it you might know more about where the results are in doubt

It seems you think Indiana is one of the main battleground or swing states in 2020

It isn’t