US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

This is too good to be true. Keep it up dems :wink:

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Trumpbot on C4 News just now:

“When I read the transcript, I see that the President has not asked for any favour”

Other guy:

“He says, “let me ask you to do a favour””


What are the reasons Biden has given for seeking the firing of the Ukranian prosecutor looking into the company who hired his son?

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The CNN / NY Times panel is starting to look a little glum here.

The realization of their lack of a case is starting to dawn on them.



What evidence exists that Biden did anything wrong, mate?

Go on, there, tell us

How lucky we are to have an expert on Ukrainian politics among us

You also speak Finnish, remember

Asking the government of another country to dig up dirt against a political opponent is a crime

Amazing how the reflex response of every single Trumpbot here is to defend crime

How does it feel to be part of a cult

The great news is that this is going to be investigated in a lot of detail. Silly dems have ruined any chance they had for 2020.

Elizabeth Warren cannot lose the dem nomination now.

Trump blustering about executing the whistleblower now

What a guy, eh

Even while going completely mental he managed to get in a nod to his boss Putin, who said the same thing

@anon7035031: “This is all completely normal”

No evidence of wrongdoing and Sid-BOT reduced to quoting a NY Times article.

Case Closed.

That the prosecutor (Shokin) was corrupt.

Biden was appointed point man by Obama in April 2014 after the Ukrainian revolution. A month later his son Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma, the largest Ukrainian natural gas producer, who were under investigation for corruption. He was a bit of an odd choice as he had no background whatsoever in the energy industry, but hey the gig paid $600K a year for the past five years (he recently left the position).

The Obama administration determined there was no conflict of interest involved.

Executing those leaking from within his White House, try and get something right. The whistleblower in his complaint admitted he had no direct knowledge of anything he was alleging.

But did Biden try to get that corrupt prosecutor sacked?

Didn’t try, he got him sacked on the threat of withholding $1M in aid and bragged about it later “I said you have six hours to get rid of him and Goddamn they did”. That’s on tape. A bit of poetic license, he was sacked months later.

The claim is that the prosecutor was corrupt himself and wasn’t actually investigating Burisma.

It’s all a bit murky, compounded by the fact that @Sidney doesn’t think Democrats could possibly be corrupt.

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According to the NY Times the whistleblower is a member of the CIA.

Nothing to see here, move along.

I’m reminded of Chuck Schumer’s advice to Trump.

“If you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”
(like a bullet in the head?)

Thank you Joe Biden. This is a classic. If it wasn’t for Nancy Pelosi and the dems, this may not have reached as wide an audience as it has :+1:

What are you blustering on about now? Direct me to where I mentioned anything about being an expert on Ukranian politics? Or where I claimed to speak Finnish? I schooled and humiliated you on the little Finnish article episode and it’s still bothering you.

Here’s a hint mate, I asked the tfk resident expert on US Politics @anon7035031 a question. If I want the thoughts of the tfk resident unemployed, far left fantasist fighting an internet war in his parents basement in Galway, I’ll give you a shout. That’s unlikely though.


You’re right, but you’re wrong. Nixon was 47\48 years ago (jesus! that long!). Times have changed and truth is Trump has changed them. Somebody called it the post-truth society. And it seems to be the way it is. Trump scoffs at all charges andaccuses his accusers.

Could you ever have imagined a British PM found to have acted unlawfully remaining in office 20 years ago? 10 years ago? Blair would have weaseled his way out but BoBo is a different matter. He denies it! And turns it round to accuse his accusers.

And both Trump’s and Johnson’s supporters revel in disregard for the law, for propriety, for integrity.

Politics is fucked.


He’s a Corbynista mate, the sole cult member on the forum (@Lazarus is a pretend Corbynista).

In his head he is in Lyon in 1941 fighting with the French resistance* against the Nazis.

  • Resistance as in lots of meetings and arguments about strategy, when they weren’t busy betraying each other.

Politics is as corrupt as fuck and always has been. Government at all levels is even more corrupt, as they are largely untouchable, at least politicians can be voted out.

Trump has certainly taken it to a new level however.

Oh look, you’re imagining INTERNET victories again, Mr. Finnish speaking Ukrainian politics expert :grin:

How quaint

Idiots always look to other idiots

That’s why you look to our resident white supremacist when you look to defend open criminality