US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

It’s hard to think of a more pathetic group of people than Republican senators

Stage 56 rattled

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Doesn’t know what a hyphen is :smile:
Incredible how such a dimwit can con so many people. I always thought grifters were clever in some way.

Epic tweet

Hyphen, he’s the fella that ran away with a young one on his honeymoon

Dig up, stupid

He’s caught bang to rights and knows it

I love it when a plan comes together :wink:

You absolute simpleton :laughing:

The anger at the New York Times is coming from people who want to protect the whistleblower

The New York Times is doing Trump’s bidding by giving clear hints as to the person’s identity

That’s what people are rightly angry at - that the NYT are compromising the protection that a whistleblower enjoys under the law

It says a lot that you didn’t even get that

Talk about humiliating yourself :laughing:

Lovely :joy:

Hard to believe this @POTUS chap has got even more stupid than he was when he used to post as @ProjectX, but he has, and then some

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Barr-lover @anon7035031 in a nutshell

I see Trump is threatening a civil war now

This is all perfectly normal, nothing to see here, or something


If anyone else retweeted Fox News 20 times in a night you’d say they were depressed.

I’d say by the time all this is over it’ll be easier to count the governments who Trump didn’t demand interfere against his domestic political opponents

Lock the both of them up

Bernie is after having two stents inserted, race is over I’d imagine.

Terrible news for Bernie

I hope he’s alright

I remarked on how old he was looking during one of the debates

His policies have struck a huge chord and he and Warren have set the terms of the debate

He looks toast now from here on in, even if he tries to go on he’s already behind in polls and will he want to plough on where people doubt his health if they vote for him? Very good news for Liz Warren who should sweep up all his votes if he does bail out now, or even if he doesn’t bail now there should be votes for Warren regardless in this.

He’ll either be toast or brown bread