US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

So when it comes to Trump’s utterances, you have to consider three things before coming to any kind of reasoned conclusion. First listen to what he said (not what is reported, as sometimes they differ), then try and decipher what he is actually trying to say as he is an awfully clumsy and frequently cryptic speaker, and then read how the media spin what he says to support their agenda (whether Fox on one extreme or MSNBC on the other). Only after doing all three can you make any kind of sense out of what at times seems like gibberish.

Based on my experience talking to a broad spectrum of Americans, it is simply impossible for someone who is a hard line Republican or a hard line Democrat to go through those steps, as they are generally stuck on the narrative from either Fox or MSNBC. The only opinions I actually pay any attention to these days are people who don’t use either as their source, and believe it or not that’s increasingly most people. The influence of the mainstream media is greatly overstated, most people see it for what it is and pay little attention to it.

On the issue of foreign help with elections, the head of the FEC came out today and stated categorically that it is illegal for anyone running for public office to solicit help from a foreign national. So what would Trump say in response to the charge? He would of course laugh and say that in the midst of the 2016 election cycle the DNC paid a UK spy to go to Russia and pay Russian operatives for dirt on candidate Trump. How is that not soliciting help from foreign nationals? The truth of course is that both parties have been doing it and it didn’t start recently.

Specifically on the Clinton emails and asking Russia for help, again the context there is that the DNC server had been hacked early in 2016 (long before the Podesta hack) and Russia was suspected as being behind the hack, and around the same time Clinton was under subpoena to produce her emails to congress. She at first refused and then later claimed that 30,000 emails were deleted or lost accidentally. Trump during one of the debates asked sarcastically if Russia (who apparently are so good at hacking) could find these lost or deleted emails. Again, if you went through the three steps I outlined above, that’s how any reasonably intelligent person would read it.

I think Biden has been harmed by this latest scandal and regardless of what you think of Trump its a bad optic for him. The reality that most informed people are aware of is that Hunter Biden was a substance abuser who was thrown out of the military, had a cocaine and crack habit, and somehow magically came up with a plum job in Ukraine that paid $600K a year, coincidentally just after Daddy was assigned by Obama to be the point person for matters related to the Ukraine. At the very least it sounds a little shady.

Cue @Sidney accusing me of supporting Trump, when what I am doing is answering your question honestly from the perspective of how I would say the majority of Americans view these issues. US politics is in an awful state, the ordinary person like myself regards both parties as completely and utterly corrupt and somewhat beyond redemption. Perhaps a Democrat like Warren can restore some hope, and I do believe she is genuine, but you would worry about her ability to withstand a Trump onslaught. In that regard I think Harris is better equipped as she would eviscerate Trump in the debates.

I see Bernie plans to participate in the next debate, I think it’s a mistake, time for him to bow out, the campaign trail is not place for a 78 year old with a faulty ticker.

Trump is going to brazen this out and fight tooth and nail, it would be suicidal for Democrats to underestimate him. There are a hell of a lot of people in this country who for all Trump’s faults honestly believe he has their best interests at heart. That might sound mad, but these are people who are utterly fed up of politicians from both parties ignoring their concerns for decades, while lining their own pockets.


That’s pretty clear cut then

That’s a tremendous piece of political analysis

It’s obvious from his comments today he is going full offense on this one.

Trump asking very legitimate questions of the Bidens

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Oh yes, obviously Trump was looking for foreign help to influence American floating voters, I just mean to ask if those same floating voters even care that Trump did this.

But who cares about the Bidens? Joe Biden won’t be the candidate. Trump is the President.

Trump started off saying he was going to clean the swamp, now his line is “yeah I’m corrupt and illegal but so are they”. That strikes me as a significant change.

And no Democrat has said “it’s ok if Joe Biden has really done this”.

And why should foreign governments be expected to involve themselves in US elections?

Did you join the dots, mate?

It won’t matter what voters think.

The election will be rigged in Trump’s favour.

When it comes to @anon7035031’s utterances, you have to consider three things before coming to any kind of reasoned conclusion.

First, he consumes a diet of far right US media and swallows it whole.

Second, he’s an alcoholic.

Third, he’s a white supremacist.

Only after doing all three can you make any kind of sense out of what is gibberish.

Work out why Warren has surged to such an extent by doing everything I was calling for, which was everything you said a Democrat should not do

And then work out why Harris’s support has completely collapsed, as you cheerled every flip flop she made

People like you are totally clueless

You have consistently underestimated what Trump is for the last four years

I called it right from the start - he is a fascist and a Russian agent

That has been proved beyond any doubt whatsoever

And his regime operates in Russia’s interests - the overriding goal of all this is that Ukraine cedes a load of territory to Russia

He’s now attempting to set up show trials, as was obvious would be the case

Anybody who reads their history and reads what people who actually know they’re talking about when it comes to the history of fascism and Russian state sponsored organised crime understood this years ago

I guess we now see what you are right about - a bit like Dominic Cummings, eh

Read back over your post and see why you are clueless - there are several obvious giveaways there - you lack the critical tools needed to evaluate what is real, what is worthy of further digging and what isn’t, and what is laughable propaganda

Stick to believing Jacob Wohl by all means

This is what a chicken shit looks like

Flake’s gonna Flake

Any posters who like to invoke “virtue signalling”, look no further

He must be “very concerned”, perhaps that will be upgraded to “deeply troubled” in due course

Shit or get off the pot, Mittens, this isn’t difficult

Be interesting to see if the level of insanity drops below 39%

This would require some cultists to be deprogrammed

At least Rubio is honest about how he collapses families and communities

Most honest thing a Republican has said in decades

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And then imagine the key witness, a black man, being executed as a result of his testimony.

You don’t have to imagine it, because that’s exactly what has happened.

Who on earth could be behind this murder of a black witness whose testimony resulted in a white cop being convicted of murder, one wonders?

Call the cops to investigate themselves, because, yeah, that’ll work, or something.

I see a true crime podcast coming soon

Yeah but some people hugged the murderer, so all the white people in America can sleep easy tonight in the face of yet another despicable injustice.

The great thing about this forum is we have a load of white people who are here to tell us that white supremacism is not a thing, because they are not the victims of it, so therefore it doesn’t exist

They would know of course - being white, they couldn’t be in a better position to tell us the reality

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You’ve yet to explain how the jury got this one so wrong?

The facts of the case are an off duty white female cop illegally entered a black man’s apartment and shot him dead, in the process breaking every rule that cops are supposed to follow. Her defense was she thought it was her apartment and he was an intruder. The prosecution looked for a murder conviction and a 28 year sentence. The judge, a black woman, gave the jury instructions that they could find her guilty of manslaughter, murder, or murder mitigated by a spontaneous act of passion. Sentencing guidelines were very broad, from two years to life.

The jury which consisted of mostly black women found her guilty of murder, and recommended a sentence of ten years. Personally I think she should have got a longer sentence but I wasn’t on the jury.

What is it you think is wrong with the justice system in this case? Do you think the black judge and mostly black jury were racist? Should jury trials be abolished and replace by kangaroo courts?

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