US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Sounds more like a case of toxic femininity here. A woman blasting a man away while he’s there relaxing in his own home and a female judge and jurors go easy on her

For @Sidney and @Turenne


Superb stuff from Bill :clap::clap:

Bill Maher must be one of the most painfully unfunny, forelock-tugging cunts on television anywhere

He’s about as interesting and perceptive as that gormless Brexit-supporting “comedian” who appears on Question Time

You wouldn’t be the best judge of that

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As somebody who feigns outrage at a rugby player drink driving but thinks its fine for GAA players to do the same, I think it’s clear you’d be about the last person who should judge anything, never mind what’s funny and what isn’t

It’s understandable you hate him as he was talking specifically about self hating cunts like you.

Were you looking in the mirror earlier when you pronounced Anglo Saxon men are the ugliest on the planet?

In fairness you still trail @Turenne in the self hating stakes. Outraged by every injustice in America while living as a lick spittle in a county that flogs blacks to within an inch of their lives for littering.

Any white person who thinks racism against non-white people is wrong is “self-hating” to you pal

That’s because you’re a thick as shit, racist, white supremacist cunt

Yet again you’ve called it wrong.

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I’ve called you spot on pal

You should try feigning your “outrage” to the mother of Kevin Walsh

Maybe you should tank up and drive over to her

No mate, I enjoy the pleasure of living in the most diverse area on the planet, work and socialize with a wide range of non whites (I find white Americans particularly boring), and have denounced racism whenever I have encountered it, in real life though rather than on the Internet.

It drives you mental.


On the contrary, the reason you like Bill Maher is precisely because, like yourself, he’s an unashamed white racist, and that racism seeps into everything he does

You’re so transparent it’s beyond laughable and your attempts to defend yourself are so pathetic

It’s no wonder the forum’s assorted racists, trolls and drink driving apologists latch on to you, scumbags always stick together

I’m quite up front about genuinely despising you, you’re a disgusting piece of work and I pity anybody who has to deal with you in real life

I care as much about what you think of me as I care about any other scumbag I encounter in real life.

You try too hard to be TFK’s MadCap, it’s pathetic trolling at this stage.

Take your Lithium and go to bed.

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So your link is about a Chinese man who got a dozen strokes 30 years ago for vandalism? Where is the link for this black person that was almost killed for littering?

You care a lot, which is why you’ve been twisting in the wind so pathetically for the last four years responding to me as I’ve systematically exposed your sick ideology for what it is

As for “try hard”, I couldn’t think of a better description of the term than combining piss weak unironic defences of yourself with piss poor imitations of @Tassotti’s turgid 15 year old trolling tactics in single posts

Sweep, sweep.

How many black men have been flogged in Singapore in the period while you have lived there, and how much protesting have you done to the Singaporean government?

So, to deflect from his crimes, Trump is now exposing the Kurds to genocide by the Turks

Which means ISIS will likely regroup

And he’s going to completely obliterate and destroy Turkey’s economy while he’s at it

What a guy

Reality is a cruel mistress