US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Jesus Christ. Not one fuck does Trump give. Not one fuck.

The US media truly have become a gathering of scumbags. At a time like this the only role of the media, and especially social media, should be to help educate people and continue to pound the messages that will slow the spread of this virus. Stay at home unless absolutely necessary to go out, help the vulnerable in your families and communities, work from home if you can, practice good hygiene, no gatherings. no communal eating, etc. Morally this is all they should be doing.

Instead much of the media are preoccupied with trying to catch out Trump at every opportunity, blame him for the outbreak, blame him for the virus spreading, etc. Twist everything he says to try and make the case that the US government is handling every aspect of this crisis badly. Even though in a population of 330 million, and a country where the virus hit its shores very early, we have 78 deaths compared to 2,800 in the EU. We are not doing too badly so far, although undoubtedly things will get worse as they will in most countries.

Journalists and pretend journalists on social media truly are the scum of the earth.


True, none of this is his fault at all, it was Obama’s. Trump said so, must be true.
Didn’t he say this was all a hoax too? A democratic hoax, which of course Fox and all of his cheerleaders ran with.
Mate, it’s all well and good decrying the media in your country (been saying ‘we’ long?) but when there is an inveterate liar in the highest position in the land then the shit rings hollow. Also, have you seen his press conferences over the last couple of days? He had said himself that the media have been fair and great. Are you saying he’s wrong?
Of course, you are just an internet character and looking for the reaction but working from home is a cunt and I’m getting spikier by the day.

Edit: by the way, have you tooled up yet? Big run on guns over there now. That can only be good news.


Yes, I’ve been saying “we” for as long as I’ve been a US citizen. Just like I say “we” when I refer to Ireland, as I’m also a Irish citizen. Do you have some kind of issue with that?

I don’t believe anything Trump says at face value. Yes, I watch all the press conferences, mainly to listen to the experts and those actually coordinating the effort like Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. If you don’t think many in the US media have been mainly preoccupied with trying to trip up Trump or catch some inconsistency (not hard to do) then you haven’t been paying much attention. Literally 90% of questions have been in that category, and there has been several instances of outright lies in the media. Such as the meeting with governors yesterday, where most media outlets reported his comment on procuring respirators “Try and get them yourself” but neglected the “the Federal government are here to back you up” part. Respirators are made in many states, it makes perfect sense for states to get them locally, states have their own large budgets.

Yes, we are all Internet characters but we are also people, or at least I hope so. Some of us also have skin in the game, I have a daughter who is a nurse and will be spending her days walking into the fire that most are running away from.

…and no, I haven’t tooled up, I have a good dog, better than any gun.

True, I’m not sure what kind of toerag cant park their prejudices or agenda even during this time of tremendous adversity. These people probably secretly hope there are mass deaths so they can use it as a stick to beat that person with. I have nominated Simon Harris for COTY umpteen times but even I could not help but hope he is going down the right path with this and thought he rallied well yesterday with his appeal for everyone to be on the same team. I cant understand any alternative mindset.

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I think by and large governments are doing their best, this is completely unprecedented and they have the difficult task of balancing doing the right things to fight this outbreak and stopping mass hysteria. Even with Trump’s stumbling narrative, regular press conferences are a good idea, and especially giving the podium to medical experts and those actually leading the efforts.

The most important thing is to be flexible and respond appropriately as things unfold, it’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, in reality nobody saw this coming. Times like this seem to bring out the worst in some people, they use it as a stick to push their ideology and attack the “enemy”. As the saying goes, if you find yourself on the extreme end of opinion, you are most likely wrong.

He was much better today at the presser to be fair to him, I’d say they’re coaching him like fuck right now.
Of course we all hope that those leading the charge here are doing the right thing and that they make the right choices but people are right to question him throughout this because he’s the man and what he says carries massive weight with a huge slice of the population over there who would believe him if he said that eating a brick would cure the virus. It’s not all (I’ve no doubt there are some) nasty journalists trying to make him look silly, people are scared and need good info and his nonsense doesn’t help in the current situation and it would have been better if he had been kept well away from this.
But that can’t happen because he’s the man.

I hope you and all of yours get through this mate, I’ve relations who will be on the medical frontlines too and imagine many of us on here are the same.

I hope the dog will take a bullet for you because it won’t be him they’re aiming at.

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Stay safe mate, best to you and your family.

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Simon Harris never called the virus a hoax or said it would just go away of its own accord or vilified a whistleblower or destroyed his own pandemic response team or sat on his arse about testing.

Trump did all these things and then some.

He is the lowest form of scum imaginable and no credit for anything should ever be attached to him, because he is the worst US president in history by a mile and his disgraceful and indeed deliberate incompetence has put the lives of millions of his own people at risk.

Neither should any credence whatsoever be paid to anybody who defends him over anything.

So there you have it in a nutshell, a black and white universe.

We know that the countries that have done best here were the one’s that acted quickly, once they became aware of the danger. Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea acted quickly as they had experienced SARS and learned from it. Most of the rest of the world did nothing until it was too late, some like Italy have suffered tremendously from not stopping travel from the affected area.

The US government acted swiftly and decisively in late January / early February to stop travel from the affected areas, and quarantine their own citizens who had been in those areas. There was no way it could be stopped completely given the huge numbers that travel back and forth from China daily, and many had traveled before the measures put in place, but it slowed the spread enough to better prepare.

You are not allowed give any credit for that though, as apparently to do so means you are a far right Nazi.

You’re in absolute denial and it’s hilarious.

You continue to completely airbrush Trump’s disgraceful behaviour and total incompetence. Then you bring up the Nazis.

You’re a cultist and I genuinely think you need help.

The WHO test works. The US rejected the WHO test.

But @anon7035031 supported that rejection because he’s a cultist in thrall to a child emperor.

Joe Biden is facing a #metoo moment now. His campaign could be over now. Kamala Harris will have to be consistent now and not back him with these new allegations.

He said the quiet part out loud.

Another public servant fired because they did their job, and because their job involved exposing the corruption of Trump.

Purge, purge, purge.

Seems this Sidney chap knew what he was talking about.

Biden does not seem to be how shall I put it, not compus mentis.

Rogan is a supporter of Bernie Sanders. How does that fit with your narrative?


There is serious concern about Biden from many Democrats. The recent attempts at statements from the basement of his house were very troubling. It could easily become a rock and a hard place situation by November.