US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Bernie Sanders is a Nazi?

sleepy joe ffs

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They should just let joe Rogan run the usa . If trump and Biden are anything to go by he’s the only adult in the country

It fits very easily. There is a small minority of Sanders “supporters”, people who aren’t suppporters of his at all in the real sense in that they do not support him based on policy, who subscribe to the “burn it down”, chaos theory, ie. they just want somebody to effectively destroy politics and the state. These are Sanders/Trump crossover people and there’s generally a racist tendency at the heart of such people.

This utter bozo Rogan falls into the above category.

The vast majority of Sanders supporters don’t subscribe to that ideology at all, are generally anti-racist, and are simply looking for a fairer society where healthcare is a right and a more European style welfare state gives people the opportunity to make a life for themselves and the knowledge that they won’t fall into penury should something bad happen to them. These are extremely reasonable demands.

Gee. This lad sure knows a lot of Americans.

How many Americans would one have to know to comment on trends in US politics, mate?

The delusion is strong with this one…

Oh look, a meaningless one line answer. You sure told me with that one. :grin:

It’s 15% who would vote for Trump over Biden and 20% overall who won’t vote for Biden (almost as damaging).

That’s a pretty sizeable number of voters. The whiny loony left are always a problem for the Dems.

Drink up, bud. Not a Bud, now, that’s muck.

The Democrats seem to hate left wing candidates. Creepy Joe is a joke

You don’t need to be told, Sid. You made up a little demographic all by yourself to prove a point, which is absolute bullshit. Exactly what we expect from you.

From Sidney’s post above and the poll there, it appears he is saying that nearly 1 in 5 Bernie Sanders voters are racist.

Maybe after this lockdown Sid can finally get over to America to meet all these people.

Well I called them the whiny loony left.

You said the Sanders supporters who won’t vote for Joe are racists.

That’s 20%. Neither remark is complimentary of them so not sure what your issue is here. :man_shrugging:t2:

@Tim_Riggins actually just backed up my post, you dimwit. :smile:

You are saying that 1 in 5 Bernie Sanders voters are racist?

Where did I say that?

All there above.

How did he back up your post?

Oh dear, it looks like you’ve had a basic comprehension failing again.

But sure what’s new.