US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I take it hes meant to be a sock puppet? Does he even know he’s running?

He can be programmed to give stock answers and sound credible, like the last debate with Bernie. When he goes off script he’s a total car crash, not in a Trump manner of just making stuff up to suit the moment, it’s more word juggling. The debates should be fascinating.

Debate might be too fine a word.
One of those lads could push the button on purpose. The other could push it by accident.

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That is just pure brilliant. :joy:

Car crash interview with Sleepy Joe on MNBC. Democrats will be twitching nervously having him as their candidate.


This will cheer @mikehunt et al up no end.

Itll cost too much first of all. Secondly we have a large amount of intelligent people, not just with degrees and what have you but clever operators. We are very good at manufacturing compared to the states. Having dealth with them numerous times people in the US sides of the plants in these industries are morons

I’ll be out of a job if it happens anyway :neutral_face:

Same here these companies are too money hungry to listen to trump

Mick thinks MNCs can just pack a few suitcases and head back home in a couple of days.

The Irish devotion to the Democratic Party coming home to roost.

And Mick would be right to think that

All charges against General Michael Flynn dropped by the DOJ. In their statement obtained by the AP, the Justice department said the FBI January 24th, 2017 interview with Flynn “was conducted without any legitimate investigative basis”.

I imagine there will be tremendous fallout from this, heads will roll, and possibly a few senior figures heading to jail.

Some if the old Obama administration in trouble?

I would imagine Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe and James Comey are having restless nights.


Fucking finally.

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Well @anon7035031 Is Biden in a bit of a pickle now?

Because of the sexual assault accusation against him?

The only issue really is within his own party, a bit of pussy grabbing in the 90s isn’t much of a negative running against Trump who regards it as a badge of honor. Most Democrats are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially as the accuser’s claims have changed quite a bit in recent years.

But it raises the issue of whether she should be believed or called a liar, which is a tricky one for the most ardent #metoo.