US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

No. Theyve just released a few names there regarding the Flynn case. Apparently Bidens name was on the list regarding something or other

Will be interesting to see how it plays out.
Could be an October surprise yet.

Biden caught lying through his teeth here and backtracking furiously, although will probably be attributed to his senility.

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Unless she accused Joe, then she is a liar and a Russian agent.

Just when @anon7035031 thought his day couldn’t get any worse, Trump clamped by Twitter

Have you any biscuits left?

Trump has some of the usual suspects driven demented. There’s a great video on his fb page sticking the boot in on Sleep Joes latest racist gaffe.

Twitter is a cesspool, populated and run by cunts, no doubt, but sometimes they do good things, putting fact-checking links to this fool’s tweets on mail-voting is definitely one if only to see him lose his tiny mind over it

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Are we cool with twitter being the arbiters of free speech?

The irony that it’s his favourite media is wasted on him

They’re not censoring him

They’re changing the tone of his message.

Which I’m not against. I just find it amusing. What’s their policy on this all of a sudden?

Are they? Just adding a link to another site is all it looks like to me. He only has one tone anyway.
Fuck knows their policy but it is funnier than his normal flailing about to see him go on about this.

So you’d be cool with twitter adding whatever links they like to tweets?

That’s cool so.

I’d be cool with twitter doing it to everybody as they see fit - it’s their platform - it is not censorship of free speech - you can still get on there and blab any old shite as people do in great numbers and if you really want to test your free speech you can find a street corner and see how it goes for you in real life.
Ya don’t like how twitter are operating then go find another platform.

So you’re cool with it. Cool.

So cool :metal:

Hard watching

Fucked up. Why did he stay on his neck he was handcuffed ffs

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