US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

He knew they were murdering him, he called for his mama. I have never seen such callousness in my life. That cop will suffer in hell for what he did to that poor man. My sentiments are beyond words for something that really happened, that’s not Hollywood acting there, that’s real.


That’s after upsetting me something awful. How could they do that to a person?

It’s simple enough to imagine. The way most people on tfk and probably most people in Ireland feel about travelers is how they feel about black people.

Sorry mate but I’d rather not engage on this matter as it is too abhorrent.

It’s like a dystopian nightmare over there.

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Arresting the press, CNN no less. This feels like a seismic event.

Jaysus. I’m liking this new approach from Twitter @Piles_Hussain

It’s like something out of Robocop

What is the Dons core vote? This carry on can’t help him with the middle ground but does he have enough core to hold on?

His core vote is apathy. If enough people just aren’t bothered to vote and biden isn’t inspiring his hardcore might sneak him in but in these times with no sport or entertainment on people are paying more attention to politics i think

He was on about clamping down on those preventing free speech the other day? He’s all over the place, a common train amongst the mentallers.

It’s nice but they’ll back down.

What an absolute shithole of a country.

We’re watching our second superpower crumble, the last one happened quite quickly and behind a curtain to an extent. This one is happening on social media and is a wee bit more drawn out.

I guess you could say we’re also watching GB crumble but they haven’t been one for quite some time

The CNN reporter arrested live on camera last night
Never stood a fuckin chance really, he’s lucky to be alive

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Black with a Hispanic name. Manna from heaven

Throw in the Omar then and there’s the trifecta