US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Roughly 30% of voters will vote for Trump and drink his detergent kool aid no matter what he says or does, just observe his sympathisers on here and in fact the worse he gets the more they love him. Thats a massive base to build from and well he knows it

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I learned that “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” has a racial history. Do we assume that it was used deliberately? If that is the case, the idea that a national political leader in the US would knowingly push out a such a statement is bad news for the country.

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We must be on incident 200 or 300 hundred now that would have seen any other president issuing grovelling apologies

I used to go there a lot for work. You don’t fuck about with cops over there. If you make a mistake there is no second chance or slap on a wrist.

Is it a police state? It has a lot in common with one.

I had a run in with the law in Philadelphia. I lost .

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I lost my passport blind drunk once in Chicago, the cops all had a right laugh at me the cunts :triumph:

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You’d have to assume he at least heard it somewhere - he’s not witty enough to even come up with something that basic - but probably is ignorant of its origins.



Trump is up at 7

Trump is up

Sounds like he’s about to declare war on Chi-Naa here

Hope he takes questions here, President Trump v Jim Acosta is always entertaining.

So, a new cold war it is then.

Wait has he just thrown Hong Kong to the wolves?

He can’t stop saying “Hong Kong” here.

Certainly sounds like it.

He’s killed 2 birds with one stone there, no more US invlovement with The WHO or Hong Kong

Headmaster Harris isn’t one bit happy with bold Donald

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Very statesman like.