US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Trump vs Harris. Solving the worlds problems on twitter. How blessed are we

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Because he was murdering him.

Burn baby burn

This will make my us holiday later in the year very cheap

This happened to us in Missouri when drinking our way home after the pub. When a lad with a gun stops you you sober up quickly.

Si needs to take a day off

Ah lovely. Have they burned down @anon7035031 's house yet?

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Get fucked you Cark wanker, wishing harm on fellow posters is about as scumbag as it gets.


Let me play the world’s smallest violin for you there you stupid cunt. Hopefully they break into the White House and string up Trump. :innocent:

You’d want to be watching your own back there pal. The Chinese are coming for Taiwan and Singapore might be next. What a nice slab of economic real estate that would be.

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An evil bastard

Fuckin av it

EDIT Ah this from the Lebanon

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An angry, huge underclass living one cheque away from homelessness, a militarized ‘police’ force known only for executions and brutality of black males and a worthless, egomaniac narcissist as president whose entire political success relies on inflaming social tensions and emboldening racists - this was inevitable. Hopefully these MAGA cunts reap with they sow.

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Colin tried to do this peacefully

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Protest peacefully and lads got nothing but abuse, lost their jobs and livelihood. Sometimes you have to burn shit down for people to pay attention. That cop would be walking free if they hadn’t done shit.

BTW where is that Russian stooge at? Still stabbing Hong Kong in the back?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants