US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

A natural manure

Good ol Mississippi

The states is one fucked up place. Everyone bought and paid for by some interest or another

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It’s corporate greed on speed over there.

Mick sneering at American society and near on our entire political class spend a few weeks in march each year licking corporate America’s arse

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Paddy will take the schilling from anyone- our history is rife of cap donning

What’s your point, caller?

To be fair to the micks we’ll lick anyone’s hole for a few bob.

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Same as every country in the World

You could nearly split up the US into separate red and blue states at this stage. Place is incredibly divided.

Powers has trump and Biden both even money to win the election. It must be one of the most important elections in World history. If trump wins again there’s no predicting what the cunt could do. At least if Biden wins the consequences will be mostly limited to America.

Electing Biden is a backward step. Just more of the same woke rubbish that has America where it’s at currently. At least with the Don there’s a chance the divisions come to light and out in the open. Four more years of Trump and I bet posterity will judge this the most significant administration since Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt

For all his faults trump has not started a war .


The failure of the Democrat Party over the last 40 or so years is the real story here .

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Turn on the news, he has caused a civil one.

Sleepy Joe will snooze his way through the term. Which might be a nice change of pace for all of us.
There’s a fair chance that whoever wins the next election will die in office, so you’d be worried about Vice Presidents even more than usual. Bad and all as Trump is he doesn’t believe any of the nonsense he says, Pence is a genuine bonefide nut job

Not for a want of trying

To be fair there are race riots every few years in the states, doesn’t matter who is in charge

Let me tell you something , the recent murder wasn’t the first black man murdered by a thug cop and the current riots aren’t the first riots by marginalised black people .