US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts”

Way to defuse a situation Donald

Yet. He’ll be seriously emboldened if he wins again. Hell have nothing to lose and might even look to do something to get a third term. He’s a seriously dangerous bastard.

It’s absolutely incredible that he tweeted that

100%. Why else would blue collar types in the mid west vote for Trump ahead of them. They can’t all be racist, himophobs etc

Trumps tweets always remind me of this

If he urged calm you would have got the same reaction in the projects . What he said was stupid but made no real difference


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In fairness that’s a massive part of it obviously. But it’s hardly the ‘real story’ ahead of trump. He’s the most box office politician since Hitler.

It’s a public order issue. The Don has in no way condined what happened to mr Floyd and he cannot do anything about it. The riots can be dealt with federally however

Yes, what the US really needs is a big race war you absolute lunatic.

Isn’t the point of being woke that you are aware of racial divisions / inequalities and you highlight them in the open?

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And he’s condoned the shooting if the looting starts.

Look at it through the eyes of Trumps base support… they’re locked and loaded.

Where has wokeness got them? Let’s talk about racial inequality while I pay my Latino maid 2 dollars an hour is Democrat policy ffs.

He is offering to do the shooting not encouraging others to do so.

Killer Mike is always worth listening to…


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This guy nails it. As with so many complex issues, the Beckett solution is all we probably have


America is burning

Trump is golfing

…race riots? These are majority white people mate.

The train/subway system in Atlanta is called MARTA. It was built for the 96 Olympics so relatively new. I was there for the J1and was told it stood for Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. I couldn’t believe the racism on show there.

It’s hardly surprising people (of all races) in the US are angry when 39 million people have lost their jobs in the past few months, most of them lower income. The young have taken the brunt of this crisis, with a lot of the small businesses they relied on for emplyment shuttered, many shuttered for good. Even though COVID-19 is a disease that largely doesn’t effect them, they are being told they need to sacrifice their careers, education, etc. by a government they have zero regard for (fedral, state or local).

Contrary to reports that people are starving, unemployment was raised to $600 a week and stimulus checks mailed out of $1200 per worker and $2400 for a couple + $500 per child. This is not about money, it’s about taking away people’s livlihoods and leaving them without hope. The murder in Minneapolis was just the spark that set it off.

It’s going to be a long hot summer, and not just in the US I fear.