US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

That darn Covid

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Tucker Carlson doing his best to calm the situation

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So because one individual called it that, you can determine how much racism there is?

I think it stands for Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority mate

Some quality googling there.

And throwing the “I think” in at the start. Masterful.

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Is Atlanta not majority black with a very large black middle class?


Correct, 52%.

Covid 19 made that cop kneel on yer man’s neck for 8 minutes?


He’s some fuckin Doofus that cunt

I went to the civil rights museum there and an older black couple turned around to me at the end of it and asked me what I was doing there. They were genuinely surprised to see a white person there. It’s not very long since they introduced civil rights in America and they only swept the wrongs done under the rug. It is a long way from a normal or well adjusted society and the fault lines are increasingly showing.


If that’s what you read into my post, fair enough.

Stick with me kid, I’ll learn ya things

Have ye all read the autobiography of Malcolm X? Probably my favourite book for his complete disregard for bullshit and hypocrisy. I read it while in NJ on my J1, while working with working class whites and blacks, which was a fascinating insight. The whites who would laugh nervously and try be ‘cool’ with blacks, would then tell me in pubs that they were all untrustworthy and to avoid the black area of the town no matter what. And the blacks who would smile and laugh on to the whites bullshit, but who would tell me, after months of them sizing me up, that they fucking hated a few of the big mouth whites, while seconds later smiling and laughing with them. Dissembling brother Malcolm called it.

Tragic that it took this man dying for the issue to explode. But it seems to be different from before, when the shootings might have been justifiable etc. Something so cold about kneeling on a man for that long. A good few nfl players, both races, calling it out. That’s who whites might listen to, not woke fools on the coasts. Racial prejudice is the biggest issue that needs addressing in the states and i hope it’s reckoned with. Antifa and other smelly cunts can fuck off trying to jump on board with it though.


Yep and very racist.

He’s a race baiter, and whites are his constituency. The timing of this is truly unacceptable. He’s not a doofus though, hannity and other shouters are, carlson is smart and can rationalize his argument. Is he basically calling for a civil war there though? Or a police state?

CNN will be razed before the night is out. Every cloud and all that.

I see fox had Mark Fuhrman on last night

Tucker Carlson isn’t the usual chest baiting flag wearing Fox News stooge. He has been against every recent US conflict even GW1. He is usually worth listening to

Trump would be all for that,all his best mates have their own police states.

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