US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

You seem to be blaming Covid for all that’s goin on.

No, I’m saying Covid and the response to Covid could be a tipping point to mass civil unrest, not just in the US. The US has gone from less than 6 million unemployed to 29 million in the space of two months, a high proportion of those are young and low income. It’s a recipe for much broader scale unrest than we have seen for several decades.


You are spot on here . The next year are going to b a fascinating watch .

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You couldn’t be up to these institutionalized racists. You really couldn’t

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I don’t know what to say,I love the states,I lived in Queens for ten years. I was in Local 1.I worked with every nationality know to man and got on with everybody.Its incredibly sad to see what’s happening over there


It’s almost entirely the fault of “progressive” liberals who paint everything in terms of race, whites bad, people of color good. Which of course is utter bullshit, people as MLK said should be judged on their character not the color of their skin.

Ah come on now you can’t even pretend to believe that FFS :joy:


Am I a "progressive "

His Trumpian utopia seems to have backfired, he’ll be blaming the Enlightenment next

He’s a woeful bollix


He’s alright in himself but the product of some serious brainwashing. He’s like a Trumpian @balbec, very angry and reactionary but not without hope

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I actually do. This murder in the past week is a perfect example. According to the loony left all white people are responsible and have to share in the guilt. Get fucked, the cop who has been charged with murder is responsible and his accomplices to a lesser extent.

He’s exactly the problem with the USA.An educated idiot.

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I have no idea mate. Who do you think is responsible for the divide in the US?

I was educated in Ireland mate.

So was I.

So if the US was grand for the decade you were there what do you think has gone wrong since? Keeping in mind actual racial divisions are at an all time low, not that you would think that from the media.

Since I left Donald J Trump has been in charge.

Come on man, even as a wum you couldn’t possibly believe it’s the “loony left” at fault

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