US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

For the constant attempts to create racial division?, yes both Demopcrats and Republicans play the race card, but progressuives are by far the worst. Think @Lazarus.

You think the police officer who knelt on the lads throat for 8 minutes until he died is some sort of loony leftist?


The Loony Left need to stop getting kneeled on in the neck and dying.


Loony blacks need to stop being killed by police

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Hasn’t made any difference at the local level. I’ve been here for over two decades and through the Trump years, there’s no difference in how people interact, work together, etc. Most of what is reported is utter bullshit and bears no reflection on actual life here.

You’re done here,as a were boring enough but your done now. Even a rebrand won’t save you.Christ.


Even from you that’s imbecilic. No, the people blaming whites for it and burning down businesses, putting more people out of work are.

You’ve gone native lad

I’ve no doubt if it was 2010 and Obama was in office that cunt would not have kneed on that lads throat for 8 mins.8 fuckin minutes.Youd be up in fuckin arms if some fuckin RUC officer done that in the bogside .


I am up in arms about it, it is indefensible and the cop involved should do a loong prison stretch. There were plenty people killed unjustly during Obama’s 8 years, do your research.

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You problem (and the other few nutters here) is you have bought into the bullshit narrative spun by CNN and MSNBC. There are far more black people murdered on average every weekend in Chicago than the total number killed unjustly by cops in a year. If black lives matter why isn’t this utter carnage of black lives on the news every night? Are black people in general responsible for these murders?

Wait, the murder of innocent people and the race riots are my fault now?
Bless me father…

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Christ, didn’t realize you were the sole authority on all things USA, sorry all makes sense now

I have my own thoughts. Killing some black fella on national tv is not a good look for racists

Not the sole authority nor would I claim to be, but better than outraged lads living thousands of miles away.

Theres plenty of outrage closer to home. Maybe you should swith off Fox News for 5 seconds and start paying some real attention

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I’m a nutter here by the way according to Mr I’ve been living in the US longer than anybody

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It’s not a good look for cops, and there are unfortunately plenty bad cops out of a force of 700,000. I know a few cops and they are utterly appalled at this as it reflects directly on them. Have you heard anyone condone the killing?

…or are you calling me a racist? If so go fuck yourself you Limerick simpleton.

Are you going to denounce your hero’s last few statements on Twitter

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Any human being with a sense of morality is outraged, just as with any unjustified killing. I’ll ask you the same question, who have you heard condoning it?