US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

The land of the free

Wait till Tony Hoolohan sees this. The FCA will be called up on Tuesday

They’ll hardly do much damage with their spades

Wait till the civil defence get there with their luminous jackets

Panic on the streets of Baltinglass


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Every cunt with the camera phone out in the States. Jesus wept.

If they didn’t there’s a good chance a cop would kill them and claim they were resisting arrest.

Incresible mate. He literally just dismissed all police executions by the police with a completely irrelevant statistic.

Even some of the looters are there recording as they break into stores and set fire to buildings.

I’ve been to the States a few times. An amazing place in some ways, just absolutely terrible in others.

Still can’t get my head around their health system. If you don’t have health insurance the only way the doctors or ER team will look at you is if you’re at deaths door.

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I hope the fellas getting run down by the police have heath insurance so.

A shocking display of victim blaming

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CNN and the progressives in the US are race baiters. They frame everything in terms of race or identity politics. This is the best thing that’s happened to them.

As @anon7035031 said above, more black people will die in Chicago this weekend that will die from being shot by a cop in a year. That doesn’t suit the agenda though, so those black lives don’t seem to matter to the “Black Lives Matter” crew.

This is obviously just an evil bastard of a cop, who did something horrible and deserves to be brought to justice. But whipping up this race storm by suggesting police are systematically out to kill black people will cause society to collapse.


So eh, it’s just one cop eh. Ah that’s grand. Move on negros, and stop feeling sorry for yourselves.


It’s individual cop(s) rather than a systemically racist police force, in my opinion

Don’t be such an idiot.


…so there just happens to be a load of racists in the US police force that are in, for example, the Ireland police force?

Who the fuck shows up at a riot with a crossbow?:grinning:
