US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Trump is done lads. Move on.


The book ???


Define ā€˜doneā€™

Texas Republicans: ā€œNo to non-white supremacist evaluation of American history, yes to Holocaust denial!ā€

The leading source for the Russian dossier just arrested and charged with lying to the FBI.

SC discussing whether Roe v Wade needs overturning tomorrow.
The Mississippi AG is on Fox right now and seems to be arguing that repealing it would empower women because now, women have jobs and maternity leave and can work and be a mother and couldnā€™t 50 year ago.

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Not much mention of this on beloved CNN


To think some clowns bought his story that he was a victim of a racist attack.

A bad day for CNN. They had to cancel Chris Cuomo today, indefinitely suspended for using his media contacts to try and dig up dirt on the women accusing his brother of sexual harassment.

The woke are starting to eat each other.

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Twas always going to happen.


Been happening a while in fact, nothing surprising really.

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Jussie Smollett triggering the forum racists again. What a guy. :clap:

Funny how they seem to be just fine with the white supremacist Nazi Lauren Boebertā€¦isnā€™t it? :wink:

Whats your opinion of what he done?

Looks like another forum racist has been triggered. :clap:

Never heard of him tbh

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And thereā€™s no atinā€™ in most of them

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This wan is a massive cunt,what about Smollett?