US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

stones singing GIF by South Park

A GIF which is isn’t even remotely relevant. Sure showed me.

fuxake glas,

youre arguing with a lad that hasnt left the house in several years since his pauline conversin and another lad who thinks you can get the internet on a printer. step away lad

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anyone care to translate?


Kamala Harris calling for an investigation into her own handling of the border crisis. Remarkable.

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This is fascism.

And this is the mainstream right in America.

Close the borders. Open the borders. Simultaneously.

The Clintons are scum.


I was reading an interesting article online there, apparently there were running a secret child sex ring in Washington


Numerous reports and allegations of Bill being a vicious sex predator that some sanctimonious posters on here choose to ignore.

I think it shows the hollow and cynical nature of some of the most noted virtue signalers on here when they are quite happy to ignore the past of the Clintons.


These fucks are truly emboldened now

Government by the meme, for the meme

Trump/Wakefield 2024.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Covid for all.

Irish Times obsession with juvenile writing/articles about Trump continue. Trump really has traumatised Irelands self regarding ‘smart and liberal’ mob.

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Boohoo, you fanny :joy:

I see yer man JD Vance that wrote Hillbilly Elegy is running for the Senate in Ohio as a Republican.

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What are we to make of this?

I found that a very pointless run down of his life.