US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

“There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.”


People that are qualified and experienced in these matters have said the vaccine has saved millions of lives and continues to protect vulnerable people from serious illness. That’s good enough for me. If there is an issue with it I’m sure we’d have heard about it by now.

You have had an irrational hatred of this vaccine since it came out, so much so that you even championed horse de-wormer as a superior treatment/protection. You and your ilk have been proven so wrong that all that’s left for you to do is steadfastly foÄșlow unstable Jim Bowen lookalikes on the internet and give us all a good chuckle while doing so. Keep it up.


Ask this fella a simple question and he goes off on one. Says it all really

We are back

The “right” of adults to abuse children has always been the purest form of the fascist mind virus that is “libertarianism”.

The man knows how to celebrate his MiL’s death, that’s for sure
'Member when america lost it’s mind that time Obama wore a tan suit and took mustard on a hot-dog?
I 'member.

The butch dyke’s shrug had a subtle stink of not being impressed by a cisgender man being all over her ladyfriend. Trump’s apparent request for permission looked like it wasn’t the first time he asked for a go of someone else’s arm candy. King of the power moves, is our Donald.

20 January 2025. Let the countdown begin. One year to inauguration day.

Only 366 days tp plan my trip to DC to see Donald become the second non consecutive term president


They’ll shoot, jail, frame or blackmail him before they inaugurate him. Brsides Klaus Schwab literally just told the wef that we dont need elections anymore- technology can just predict the outcome instead


Or fix them. Steal another way to say it too

I wonder which party and which candidate in the US believes in stealing elections.

I fear they will assassinate him, there is dark forces at work with the Democrats

Big ask to win three elections in a row


Just like the Kyle Hayes case.Chilling.

Look it takes a special team to get a run of big wins but considering the opposition i think its a slam dunk

They’ll assinate a democrat too, if he/she doesn’t follow instructions.

A resounding win in the Granite State last night. Governor Haley should really do the decent thing now like Ron De Sanctimonious and withdraw.

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Trump is walking it