US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

If Trump dies, or gets seriously ill before the election, or gets removed from the ballotā€¦It might be worth her while to stay in the race.

Youā€™ve probably said too much

If He Dies He Dies Rocky Balboa GIF

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Donald Trump is the only man who can bring peace to the Ukraine and Israel, get that war mongering aul cunt biden out fast

Thereā€™ll be a civil war in America soon if trump gets back in.

Which point do you object to?

The term ā€œdeep stateā€ is just a more sinister term for civil servants; so it seems he wants to fire a load of them if they donā€™t like him and put in a load of Yes men. Very snowflakey behaviour

I imagine 0% of that was put together by Herr Trump.

Do you ever sicken yourself with your nonsense?

Will he reduce the price of adult nappies while heā€™s in office?

A lot of Joe Soap civil servants are going to lose jobs by decentralising out of Washington and heā€™ll put in his own supporters then in Hicksvile, South Dakota. Hardly sounds like a fair shake for those who wonā€™t be interested in upping their families to rural Montana.

Heā€™s a puppet for Putin and the China fella Yang

Point 9 is excellent

You wouldnā€™t recognise the chinese fellow if he was running in the 2.10 at Chepstow

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ā€¦or at the very least, for Bannon.

This guy, always with the scenarios.Civil war here, nuclear war there.

I wonder will he move all the government jobs from Washington into swing states where they love America or solidly Republican states where they really love America?

Itā€™s would be like replacing top top civil servants like @artfoley with buffoons like @mac.

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The Trump fanbois want to ā€œprotect womenā€ by installing a serial rapist and a (probable) paedophile.

ā€œFamily valuesā€ has always meant family as in criminal mafia.

Shur look it, he only tried to overturn the government last time out, hard see him stir up a civil war wha?