US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

I canā€™t see China giving Ireland any preferential treatment once democracy completely falls apart in the states. Americaā€™s descent into the role of the worldā€™s ā€˜Bad Lieutenantā€™, has left a terrible taste in the mouth of many within itā€™s population of allies, but yes, any alternative currently on the table is not a step in a better direction.

Itā€™s extremely weird that the democrats canā€™t get someone a bit fresher to take on Trump? Surely the likes of any of their bland enough candidates who lost over the last 40 years would beat him. The modern equivalent of your dukakiss, Kerrys or Al Gores. The main stick to beat Biden seems to be heā€™s old and senile

Itā€™s no mystery, they plan on cheating, again.

Heā€™s about as vicious a warmongering neocon fuckwit as thereā€™s ever been in the Whitehouse, and he was ever thus. His age and mental decline are no excuse- his instincts are as bad as ever.

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Explain that a bit more to me how is he vicious and war mongering compared to other us presidents?

Doesnā€™t say much for trump heā€™s already been beaten by him in an election

You think itā€™s extremely weird that a sitting US President runs for re-election?

ā€œAs viciousā€
Heā€™s currently supporting genocide in gaza, he blocked a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine war in april '22, he refused to support the minsk accords and refused peace talks in the months before the invasion. He was an outspoken advocate for the war in iraq, and the bombing of yugoslavia. Like trump he supported obamaā€™s decision to facilitate the starvation of hudreds of thousands of children in yemen.

Another lad who cant mention one without the other.

Btw, I thought you might man up and answer a simple question?

You have to laugh at the lads who openly support Putinā€™s genocide in Ukraine accusing anybody else of being genocidal.

I also apply that to South Africa, even though they are correct in their case against Israel.

This is the forum for you, mate. You might find somebody who takes your Dougal Maguire level idiocy vaguely seriously there.

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I didnā€™t answer because I thought you were drunk at the time to be honest.

Sure answer it now so, when im relatively sober

Would many lads his age have run before? He seems exceptionally doddery. Yes I do think itā€™s extremely weird. If Trump wins it will even weirder especially given what the mad cunt has done since losing last time

Give me a few public quotes he made on these issues. Heā€™s surely flat out if heā€™s one of the most vicious and warmongering people ever or is he doing it all in secret?

Who said this?

The Pope is 87. Should he quit?

Michael D. Higgins is 82. He has nearly another two years of his his term left. Should he quit? De Valera was re-elected at 84.

This age thing is lowest common denominator tabloid nonsense for people who arenā€™t interested in actual issues. Especially when the other guy is almost as old.

Nobody can credibly claim to care about somebodyā€™s age and be also be a fanatical supporter of a 79 year old who is a megalomaniac fascist nutcase.

What is deeply weird is that the guy who lost big last time and is out to destroy his own country is running again and his whole party and the whole of right wing America plead fealty to him like the Nazis did to Hitler.

It might be a looong time before a non-Trump is the Republican candidate for president - if such elections continue to exist if Trump gets back in.

Sorry I misquoted you. Give me his most war mongering or vicious public proclamations there.

Well obviously the entire Trump thing is beyond ridiculous and weird I just think a vaguely presentable candidate who wasnā€™t senile would fairly soundly beat him by even more than Biden did last time. I donā€™t think thats a crazy statement.

Heā€™s facilitating genocide is gaza. Do you expect him to publicly admit it? Did i say he made public proclamations?
Ive already posted his rant on WMD in iraq. If you want to listen again then use the search functionā€¦or you can find it on Google