US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Was he the fella who said western governments should be bombing Moscow?


Lock him up!

Fixed that for you

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Which wars has Biden started?

We’ve been mates for a long time, but if you ever, EVER, do that again, I’ll take pleasure in gutting you boy

83.3 million for the Rapey Don v E Jean Carroll case.

I imagine he’ll find a way to delay paying the compensation by tying it up in appeals until one of them dies.

Surely he could just get Putin to pay it for him?

A nice hole opening for him, he’ll have to cut down on his make up purchases.

Can’t realistically see her or NY State getting a penny off him for the rape or the deception regarding property values fraud. He’ll just legally tie everyone in knots. Proper thug.

Did she not state that it wasn’t rape?

Identifying A Rape Apologist — PAVE.

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It’s a simple enough question and you seem to have a keen interest- i thought she said it was sexual assault but not rape?
There’s really no need to rely so heavily on insults, accusations and insinuations

Trump supporters are less rape apologists and more rape supporters

Seen that earlier. Bannon is definitely spoon feeding his agenda into Trump more than ever. One of the books written by one of Trump’s WH staff claimed that Trump made most of his decisions based on anonymous articles that Bannon would give to Washington journalists in his first term. That way, Bannon could control policy and Trump’s ego was partly protected with the thinnest of veils from accepting help from Bannon after he got rid of him.

I find the palace intrigue micro details of who exactly is “pulling strings” in the Trump cult pretty uninteresting.

The main issue is the macro picture, which is that Trump is the US leader of a pro-Russia international fascist movement which seeks to destroy the US and the western alliance and to control the world for the benefit of Putin.

It’s as simple as that.

It may be the case, but there’s so little left to destroy. We’ve been witnessing a slo-mo fall of a short lived empire since the 60’s or thereabouts. It’s pure denial at this point if anyone thinks it’s not another actor’s shot at the big time.

A lot has been destroyed but a lot more remains to be destroyed. Some people seem to want to cheerlead that further destruction. They have become so poisoned and cynical by the disinformation environment that they are now in a position where they want to see the world burn.

The post-World War II western alliance was a chance to genuinely put values and morals at the centre of the world. It did that for a while, and still does, sort of. But there were always too many people who harked back to the days of empire, or went down rabbit holes which made them genuinely think that the best way to defend values was to behave like emperors.

The post-World War II western alliance is deeply flawed, but it’s better than the alternative, because the alternative is openly pro-empire.

But it will be a victim of refusing to truly stand up for values and morals in favour of interests. The best way to truly defend your interests is by defending values and morals. Far too few people understand that.