US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Or middle aged or older people with a modicum of intelligence.

What a king this man is.

High crime rates is a government policy choice. We are back.


Fascinating story. Normally Iā€™d be wary of suspending habeas corpus etc but the country had fallen apart. Judges were executed if they dared convict MS13 gang members. And to go from that to safety in just a few years. Remarkable what a common sense conservative can achieve.

As for Omar :rofl: she might be tweeting from Somalia soon enough. Great reply to her there.

The year before he came to power El Salvadorā€™s murder rate was 5 times higher than ever-peaceful Mexico. Now itā€™s lower than Canadaā€™s.

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Mitterand, from Germany

Chump change to man like the Don

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If the Don canā€™t gather up a couple o hundred mill then you may throw your hat at it

Easy for you to say

Ah here, any chump running for President woukd pull that together at a breakfast morning fundraiser, let alone a business man like the Don

From the Detached Retina forum Iā€™m on on Facebook.

Murica. Freedom. The freedom to lose your sight.

Hello everyone, I joined this group yesturday because I am n need of advice and help. Back when I was n high school around 18 yrs old I had my first retinal surgery I know how that procedure goes but now facing another retinal surgery at 37 yrs old I have very high anxiety and very scared for the simple fact that I have no insurance and barely keeping a float financially. Just had to get out of an eviction situation and I also have a possible skin cancer surgery just waiting for biopsy which I will have to pay $500 out of pocket for. I had to sell my wedding ring to get something. I called around yesturday to find out pricing and we dnt have that kind of money on top of expenses for surgery as well. Iā€™m scared to death of waking up not being able to see, see my daughter everything Iā€™ve known for 37 yrs. There has to b other options for me than just to sit around until I lose sight for the rest of my life because I dnt have insurance and no place to help. What can b done, has anyone else been n my position??

What is going on with your eye? Have you seen a retinal specialist? Or ophthalmologist or surgeon ?

I havenā€™t had the insurance to see an eye Dr and the last time I was able he told me I had a retinal tear and he would keep an eye on it but Iā€™ve moved since then and was terminated from my disability and medicaid

Can you apply to your state insurance?

my husband has been trying to get work insurance for us both but with our finances we can never get ahead to b able to afford insurance. Iā€™ve tried waiting but no telling when he will b able or how long my eye will hold off without worsening.

Thank u all for the kind comments and hopeful advice, means alot! ā¤ļø All I can do at this point is hope and pray for a miracle because at this point I literally dnt kno what to do and the nearest biggest hospital is a little over a hr away and without transportation walking is out of the question that far away unless I hitch hiked. I did consider going there until I read reviews and there were alot of bad reviews and I dnt want to go and things end up worse than could of been prevented. My eyes r a precious thing and canā€™t lose them!

The US far right is now railing against something called ā€œrecreational sexā€. In the same way kids now go on ā€œplaydatesā€, apparently sex should be reduced to a ā€œpregnancy dateā€. Though presumably husbands raping their wives is still alright.

Go Trump, fuck Biden (not recreationally).

In a sweeping rebuke of the National Rifle Association, the nationā€™s most prominent gun rights group, a Manhattan jury ruled on Friday that its leaders had engaged in a yearslong pattern of financial misconduct and corruption.

The jury, after a week of deliberations, found that the groupā€™s former leader, Wayne LaPierre, had used N.R.A. funds to pay for personal expenses, including vacations, luxury flights for his relatives and yacht rides, and that two other top executives had failed in their duties to the nonprofit organization.

The case, brought by New Yorkā€™s attorney general, Letitia James, touched the uppermost echelons of the gun-rights group. In addition to Mr. LaPierre, the defendants included the groupā€™s former treasurer, Wilson Phillips, and its general counsel, John Frazer, who still works for the group. The N.R.A. itself was also a defendant, and was found to have ignored whistle-blower complaints and submitted false filings to the state.

The N.R.A., founded after the Civil War to promote marksmanship, has been one of the most powerful lobbying groups in American politics, pushing for an expansive view of Second Amendment rights and fighting any measure meant to restrain gun ownership.

If you cant trust the NRAā€¦

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Thatā€™s an evisceration. By Fox News no less.
