US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Another 4 years of this to look forward to

Broke pillow man making a cameo in the latest episode.

Reminds me of myself in a job interview this morning



I wouldnt say so. Bidens odds have decreased dramatically in last week or so and looks like he will soon be favourite to retain his presidency.
Cant see how Donald comes out unscathed from the criminal case against him this time so definitely bidens to lose.

Instead then we will have 4 more years of Israel blowing up innocent women and children, the annexation of Gaza into Israel, a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan and Russia greenlighted and emboldened to go even harder on Ukraine to look forward to.

You think these things are more or less likely under Trump?

At last some sense. The US could do worse than vote this man is as President.

Some guy after setting himself on fire outside the courthouse

Sign in @The_Dunph

He has emblazoned himself? I know it’s a pressure situation but c’mon like surely she could use her words a little better than that…

Her mind went to active shooter first tbf, I’d say not easy to gather yourself from there. It does sound desperate though

Very sad stuff. The man is clearly very unwell. Sets himself on fire and people’s first instincts are to take pictures of him rather than try and help him.

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In 2010, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was experiencing memory loss and mental fogginess so severe that a friend grew concerned he might have a brain tumor. Mr. Kennedy said he consulted several of the country’s top neurologists, many of whom had either treated or spoken to his uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, before his death the previous year of brain cancer.

Several doctors noticed a dark spot on the younger Mr. Kennedy’s brain scans and concluded that he had a tumor, he said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by The New York Times. Mr. Kennedy was immediately scheduled for a procedure at Duke University Medical Center by the same surgeon who had operated on his uncle, he said.

While packing for the trip, he said, he received a call from a doctor at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital who had a different opinion: Mr. Kennedy, he believed, had a dead parasite in his head.

The doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Mr. Kennedy said in the deposition.

Its bad when a fella who had a brain worm is a better choice than a dementia patient or Donald Trump

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The worm died of malnutrition


Donald Trump is a dementia patient

There are several posters on this forum who should probably also be checked for worms in the brain.

RFK Jr argued the brainworm didn’t leave enough functioning brain for him to earn enough to pay his wife a good divorce settlement. But he thinks it’s enough to be president. Not sure whether that says more about his view of the presidency or the functioning of what’s left of his brain.