US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Sure thereā€™s nothing as queer as folk. The election will be decided in the swing states, just like 2016. Democrats will vote for Biden and Republicans will vote for Trump, that is a given. So the deciding votes will be independents or swing voters, and the deciding issue is the escalating level of violent crime on the streets. They will vote based on who they think takes violent crime seriously and who can put an end to it.

Blaming Trump for the violence isnā€™t a winning strategy, most people now are only interested in putting an end to it.

The vast majority of places in the US are perfectly safe to live in, even in cities with serious violent crime like Chicago, itā€™s confined to well defined neighborhoods.

Thereā€™s nothing peaceful about a lot of the protest going on, youā€™re watching too much CNN.

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You bypassed my point that it was all so avoidable with some proper leadership with an ounce of apathy.

Blaming Trump himself wonā€™t work. But ploughing the message that there is a genuine alternative to Trumps America just might

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Also what has happened to the Republican party? They used to be at least on the surface civilized. Is it the Donald Trump show now or bust?

Who was the last President who presided over such unrest & civil disobedience?

Jack Bootman


James Buchanan

It isnā€™t all so avoidable, police killings have been going on for decades, and will continue until there is serious investment in police training.

Where it spread to a lot of the country? Lyndon Johnson followed by Nixon during the Vietnam war protests.

Agreed, but that alternative has to include dealing with violent crime, not pretending it doesnā€™t exist.
Anyway, time to focus on the draft.

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Obviously most left leaning type people (and people at a remove in Europe) would believe that divisions have got particularly bad because of how much of a cunt trump is but it seems a minority of Americans think like that. Heā€™s a dangerous bastard but heā€™s banked on the fact that pitting people against each other is his only chance of success and Iā€™d say its almost certain to work.
If Biden wins the exact same problems will remain but at least it would take the sting out of it all and there wouldnt be quite the same level of venom. The liberals absolutely despise trump but I donā€™t think the conservatives feel that strongly about Biden. Surely that would be a huge help to the whole situation.

If ever a nation needed a great leader its the USA right now. The day of great leadership may well be gone forever though or at least until the INTERNET goes out of fashion. Too easy now for any power hungry cunt to fuck with peoples heads if they can master the art of big data and media manipulation, Boris and Cummings are a great example of this

They actually need a shite leader. Trump is a ā€˜great leaderā€™ but heā€™s just an unmercifully self serving cunt of a man

Thereā€™s two strands of protest now. Ones over racial bias and bat shit ones in Portland especially calling for the entire system to be scrapped. Iā€™m not sure the protestors over racial bias want or need to be associated with the other fruitcakes. I said this before but while shootings are high profile what blacks are really profiling is stigmatisation and being heavily policed which has gone on for decades and is demeaning and degrading. But I donā€™t think using shootings, most of which are at least arguably justifiable is the way to go about it. Too easy for right wingers to debate them.
The Baltimore ravens out up a good post suggesting measures to change.

Now arrest and charge in the first suggestion is a bit strong. But investigate independently, absolutely. But better and continuous training are whatā€™s needed as they suggest not possible with defunding The last point would reduce police shootings by 99%.

A good way of understanding how a huge proportion of Americans feel about blacks protesting loudly and sometimes violently would be to imagine what a huge proportion of irish people would feel if travellers held loud violent protests after the padraig nally incident or a guard beating up a traveller criminal. It would drive people absolutely spare. A lot of Americans see black people as a lot of us see travellers. Violent lazy work shy cunts. Throw in the woke brigade into the hypothetical traveller protests here and fellas would go even further against it.

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You canā€™t say that, even if itā€™s not far off the mark. Itā€™s now racist to criticize traveller crime in Ireland and racist to criticize black crime in America, as you simply donā€™t understand their reality. Most of the people protesting are white, and the great majority involved in violent protest are white. The pandemic has a lot to do with it, tens of millions of young people unemployed and no end in sight. Worrying times.

Worrying trends for the Dems.

Trump was at 3/2 a few weeks ago (maybe longer) but heā€™s 19/20 now.

He was 7/4