US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

It will be the first civil war in history just caused by collective mass psychosis.

Heres the video of the latest shooting in Trumps America. This was inevitable once you had fellas like Tucker Carlson on Fox News saying cold blooded murder is now acceptable after what happened the other night in Kenosha. Its now gone full tit for tat, there will be a lot more of this especially with a president desperately clinging to power stoking it up on an hourly basis

Heā€™s a gas hoore

The reality is the longer the violence goes on and the worse it gets, the better it is for Trumpā€™s chances of reelection, and Republicans in general. Public opinion has changed in the past few weeks, support for BLM (the movement) has dwindled and the violence seen in cities is now the issue most people are concerned with. Bidenā€™s lead is now effectively gone in the swing states.

When people head to the polls on November 3rd, the #1 issue for them will be who is going to restore law and order. The subtleties of which set of scumbags shooting each other on the street are more at fault donā€™t matter to the great majority of people who vote. Democrats are seen as weak on law and order, unless they turn that around fairly quickly they will fuck away this election.

Seems to be no chance trump will lose this now. How can Biden and the Democrats possibly prove theyre strong on law and order now?

The problem isnā€™t so much Biden, who most people would see as fairly reasonable. The problem is at the local level, where Democratic mayors and city officials are afraid of their lives (literally) of BLM protesters and are going along with efforts to stand down the police and defund them. More and more people, especially those impacted by the violence, are seeing this as lunacy.

Democrats are now caught in a catch 22, they canā€™t support the anti-police movement and simultaneously call for law and order. Biden needs to show leadership and whip the party into shape, not sure he has it in him at this stage.

Iā€™ve not been following it too closely - what exactly does ā€œdefund the policeā€ entail?

Seems an absolutely bonkers idea to cut policing levels or cut back financially in any US city.

It depends who is describing it. BLM leaders and their most ardent supporters want to see the police disbanded, criminal justice done away with, prisons abolished and all prisoners freed. This would all be replaced by community workers. Most Democrats wouldnā€™t go along with that insanity, but a fair number want to see resources taken away from the police and put towards community based efforts, as if that is going to solve the levels of crime in cities.

Iā€™ve an aunt living in New York for more than 30 years at this stage. Has dual citizenship etc.

Her husband is in the NYPD. Both fairly intelligent people, college educated etc. And privately both are absolutely emphatic in their support of Trump.

They wonā€™t be shouting about it on twitter or to their neighbours but in their eyes heā€™s the only one theyā€™d trust on crime and law & order. It seems most of the policing unions all over the country are also backing Trump.

If the Democrats blow this election it will be simply extraordinary, given the numerous own goals theyā€™ve been handed.


Youā€™re aware theyā€™re not the ones in power right?

Itā€™s not that long ago all police unions and most members would have been Democrats, things have certainly changed.

So weā€™re agreed, itā€™s very much in Trumps interest to build up the body count. Heā€™s doing a fine job so far in fairness. A desperate man will try anything I suppose

They are in power in the cities that have both the highest crime levels, and the highest violence in recent times, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, etc. The federal government rarely get involved in state or local law and order issues. You are missing the key issue here, which is that Democrats are seen as the party supporting violence on the streets, or at the very least hesitant to do anything to stop it.

Is the line ā€œ Democrats support violence on the streets ā€œ actually taken seriously?

It helps Trump yes. So, if the reality is that violence on the streets is helping Trump, what should Democrats do to counteract that? What they are doing, or rather not doing, is not helping. What they should do is come out strongly against all violence, and encourage local action to get scumbags of all flavors off the streets.

Very seriously, and more so with each passing day. Perception is reality, and the growing perception is that Democrats are soft on violent crime. Of course most Democrats donā€™t support violence, but the party is now caught in a trap.

Bizarre reasoning from an increasingly stupid minded nation.

Not really, most people would rank their own safety and the safety of their families as #1. I would say thatā€™s normal in any country, not just the US.

The streets were always unsafe in America, people March peacefully in protest and authorities come down way too hard.

It all seems to have been so avoidable if the man at the wheel acted responsibly. Real pity.

So vote for the guy who has people killing in each other in the streets on his watch every other night. Bizarre logic