US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Some sober reading here for the tough guys

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First tentative foray into this thread.
I honestly can’t see Trump losing in November.
The Biden strategy is completely nonsensical. Is it possible for a candidate to win with minimal campaigning? How many times has he left Delaware since becoming the presumptive nominee?
On the other hand Trumps base is energised and he is visible.
Dems I’d imagine were hoping that corona virus and Trumps handling of same would dominate the agenda. But now the election looks like it’s going to be decided purely on domestic security.
The perception, rightly or wrongly, appears to be that the likes of Antifa and BLM are Democratic affiliated. Up to this week the Biden campaign didn’t even acknowledge that a lot of the legitimate protests had descended into riots. In these circumstances Middle America has been proven to veer towards law and order and the Republicans are seen as the party that epitomise this.
Biden and his campaign seem to be playing constant defence. Trump visited Kenosha, so we’ll go the day after.
The Democrats fucked up 4 years ago choosing Hillary. They’ve done the same this time.


To be honest, you’d never have a situation in Ireland where an unverified rumour of something that was allegedly said in private becomes front page news. You can’t run an election campaign on the basis of rumours.

The only way Trump loses is if the Kremlin get bored and find a new toy to play with

Very astute post compared to 95% of what gets posted here, and pretty much on the money. A few months ago I would have said Biden was a shoe in, mainly because of a groundswell of opinion just to be done with Trump and all his drama, whether self generated or media generated. The things that have shifted are the attitudes towards Covid which would be similar to what’s happening in Ireland, and as you say the rise in social unrest. The media like CNN are starting to hurt Biden I think as he is trying to distance himself from violence and they at times embrace it or pretend it isn’t happening.

It’s hard to avoid the Biden appearance issues, and not hard to figure out why he has been kept hidden. Trump for all his ridiculous features looks in reasonable shape for a man of 74, Biden looks like a fucking corpse. Looks like a lad about to croak at any second, and that has to be a factor for a lot of undecideds. The choice may be between an absolute asshole that you know or a lad clinging to life.

The attacks from both sides will be ferocious in the next few months and the debates should be box office, but at the end of the day it’ll be what swing voters decide in swing states maybe as late as election day. A lot can happen between now and then.


Ah, you’re an intelligent chap. Russian interference had nothing to do with 2016 and will have nothing to do with November.
The Dems made a mess of things four years ago and have spent the interim trying to find someone or thing to blame for their fuck up.


The reading was so sober in 2016 I joined the Pioneers

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Oh dear

It’s remarkable how many people buy into the Russian crap. Nobody in the US gives a shit about Russia, including Democrats before 2016 (Obama mocked Romney for mentioning Russia). It’s a complete non issue for most people, except the DNC who created the whole thing to begin with, setting up the Trump campaign who admittedly walked blindly into the trap.

The non stop obsession with trump from the left media especially CNN is breath taking. 24 hour a day publicity for him. And so laughably biased it becomes positive publicity as it looks like they are picking on him, as they ask their sheep to pretend that they aren’t actually seeing what’s in front of them.

You’d nearly swear there was an election coming up

A lot of excellent analysis here

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Has there been an election coming up constantly since early 2015? That’s when the obsession started

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It’s 2020 now. The closer you get the more you see happening. Thats how time works

You’ll have to elaborate here.
You think the Russians got Trump elected against the wishes of the American people?

CNN have zero credibility, they are simply a propaganda channel, just like Fox. They just assume they are talking to complete idiots who will lap up the bullshit and lies, and of course most of their audience do.

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It’s been non stop for five years. It hasn’t just ramped up. But keep repeating that narrative if you need to.

You are gonna regret this interaction

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This is wellknown in fairness

:laughing: good lord