US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

He doesn’t believe that, or at least you would hope he doesn’t. Hillary Clinton and the DNC got Trump elected through their arrogance. If she had done a small bit more campaigning in the key states (or any in Wisconsin), she would have won. She only lost by a few thousand votes in the states that decided it.

But Russia.

I watched Cuomo and lemon for a while during the week. They can’t believe the rubbish they are coming out with.

Why does Trump continue to refuse to take on big tech? Who lets the Russians into the system?

If by big tech you mean Google, FB, Apple, etc. they are all firmly in the Democrat camp, and will do everything to see Trump defeated. It’s hard to stop hackers but at the end of the day they have little or no impact on people who vote.

Ah cmon now don’t insult my intelligence. You’re going to have to do a little better than that.
I’ve never understood how this worked. A few lads sitting in Moscow posting on Facebook managed to influence millions of voters?

It’s literally like Comical Ali. They were once again claiming the other night that the 17 year old in Kenosha shot up unarmed protesters. If you watch the videos not alone can you see handguns in the hands of people chasing him, you can clearly hear shots that are not an AR-15. As I said they assume they are talking to morons, and of course most are.

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That and the leak of the DNC emails which everyone knew about anyway and the contents were zero surprise.

From memory the DNC emails just exposed how they rigged their own primary to get Hillary the nomination.


Correct, there was also a whole drip drip of emails that originated from Podesta during the months before the election but there was nothing remotely damning. Even the Clinton email server issue was a non issue, as people had long decided it was an issue or it wasn’t. Most people don’t care and would expect politicians to act like that, similar to Clifdengate in Ireland.

Yes. Just like the 2 drunks in Dublin Castle that time, the Russian are using something a little more nuanced than a hurley stick this time around however. Listen to this and come back to me, try not to yourself to become wrapped up in the hate in the meantime. Trump has destroyed too many lives already

We are talking about Russian interference here. One issue at a time, this is not the Tucker Carlson show

This is an actual issue though, Joe can’t distinguish between what he is supposed to say and the prompts to say it.

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For one who is a self admitted supporter of Kamala Harris why am I am getting the feeling that @Tierneevin1979 would love to see the Don getting 4 more years.

If you had been paying attention for the past year, you would know I’m a big fan of Kamala, helped with her campaign, and have voted for her previously.

The feds got to him

Before I spend 57 minutes listening to this you’re going to have to tell me me who Kara and Scott are and what their particular expertise is when it comes to dissecting an issue such as this.
You’ve lost me again with your “hate” inference. Are you implying I’m a hateful person for giving an opinion?

They are people you should listen to. Hate consummes us all if we allow it to. Don’t allow it. Also it’s only the first 25 minutes or so unless you’re into laying off some of your shopify/zoom stock

You’re clearly a “deplorable”. I suppose you cling to religion as well.

If you had read my post it was obvious I referenced you were a Kamala fan. Are you voting for Biden or Trump? Straight question straight answer please.

No hate from the left?