US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Boris and himself will have to start a support group

The man is a father and a human being, I trust no one here really wants to see him die from this.


Marine One has turned south. Looks like heading towards Arlington National Cemetery. Not good.

If he dies its because heā€™s a loser like those POWs heā€™s always cribbing about


If he dies, he dies.

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Even Boris and Tubs beat the Covid, not a good look for the USA if their head honcho cannot

CNN saying Trump has not tweeted in 16 hours, not a good sign.

The lovely Kayleigh says he will still be running things from the hospital, heā€™s expected home in a few days.


My guy in Red Square reckons everything is fine, nothing to see here

Get well soon Donald.

White House must have a medical facility. What would it lack - a ventilator ?

Put Don Jr on the ticket to galvanise the support base.

Kushnerā€™s got this.

Everybody saying they wouldnā€™t wish this on Trump. Like fuck they wouldnā€™t.


Just like that movie where Eddie Murphy gets elected to Congress

Bill ready to slip Michelle a quick one

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We have nothing to fear but fear itself and in conclusionā€¦ Read my lips.
The distinguished gentleman I think

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I fear for the Donald. Heā€™s up there in age and half the size of a Honda Civic. Not a good combination. At least they can pump him full of experimental drugs.

If Trump was to die does Pence run?