US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

He was great in Bowfinger and Dolemite.


Wouldn’t surprise me if the Don was sat in The Oval Office right now, eating a pizza and drinking fizzy pop, watching this whole thing play out and then he roars back into life in the next few days…

Ya too late for a third candidate to run as well? Being dead would be a serious vote grabber you’d imagine

It would go to a vote of the Republican committee, but presumably Pence would win.

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There is a third candidate isn’t there?

If Trump was to actually kick the bucket in the next week Pence would be an absolute shoo in. Maybe the prude from Penn is craftier then we realized

Pence has cousins in Tubercurry.

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Ivanka as VP

There are two third party candidates, a Libertarian and a Green.

I’d say Ivanka is a Democrat

Like her daddy.


SNL should be some shitshow tomorrow night

Can you imagine race riots are bad enough but having a homophobe as POTUS will set off NY SF etc

Pence spent summers in Doonbeg milking and saving hay.
Don juniors Mrs Kimberley Guilfoyle spent her summers in town.

We’re not here to take part etc…


Didn’t he have Dr Leo and Matt over for dinner? Hardly the MO of a homophobe

Media analysts saying that the helicopter on the south lawn combined with the delay here is not a good sign.

If it was a precautionary move they would more likely have taken a car to the hospital.

Maybe he was doing a conversion therapy session with them.

I’d say he gave up when he realized after an hour with Leo his boss was only the second biggest narcissist he’s ever met.

Trump going full Limerick. No ifs no buts no more about it

He did, bit awkward for him