US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

you never know

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That fucker on the late late said 1/10 if you’re over 70. Maybe he was just simplifying it for the late late audience :thinking:

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I don’t think that’s especially necessary.

Lock her up

The games the game

Wolf Blitzer is going to self combust here.

President Trump is going to beat Covid and then batter creepy Joe.


That’s vice president creepy Joe to you.
I never knew they retained their titles till the other night

Looked fine getting in the chopper anyway

Sanjay Gupta creaming himself here

Trump strolls onto the helicopter like he’s out for a game of golf. What a warrior.


Jim Acosta surprised that Trump was wearing a mask and didn’t answer questions. Stealing a living.

Also he was moving slower and looked tired. And the.helicopter took off slower than normal.

“He is spooked by his diagnosis”

Fake News CNN can’t even bring themselves to wish President Trump well here. Appalling taste.

Kaitlan Collins would get it, though.

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According to anonymous sources.

A real jelly and ice cream moment for CNN


I wonder where her people are from?